For a war that has seen eight years of grueling combat, cost 1,528 coalition and approximately 15,000 civilian lives, caused incalculable damage to the gubernatorial and economic infrastructures, and presented a significant threat to global peace and security, Mr. Medina’s suggestion to “leave Afghanistan” seems a tad hasty.
As a student patrol aide (aka ridiculous segway guard), I found Evan Seaman's uninformed diatribe about security to be most irresponsible and disturbing.
As a Personal Trainer at the Wellness Center and a senior majoring in Exercise Physiology, I would just like to express my concern for the overall health of the University community...
The writer of last week’s, Stay Classy, Miami, has no idea what it means to be a Hurricane football fan. I hate FSU as much as the next psycho-passionate, borderline deranged ‘Cane, but you can’t slam them for using our “U” in a derogatory word, or flying “thUg” signs.
Last week, I arrived at the University of Miami to begin work toward a master’s degree in multimedia journalism in the School of Communication. I was immediately provoked by a prodigious punctuation error that is disturbing not only in its grammatical magnitude (really bad), but also in its physical dimension (in letters about five feet tall) and geographical reach (all over campus!).
I think we should have a Transportation Security Assistant. A mix between the current Student Government volunteers, an RA, and a Security Assistant all in one. I think whoever is in charge of "hosting" the Safe Ride should also have the power AND knowledge to enforce University policies. Afterall, isn't the Ibis Ride University property?
For the past decade, genetically modified organisms, more commonly referred to as GMO’s, has been a highly debated subject. One big topic on these genetically altered crops has been the labeling of these when used in our foods.