The 2012 elections may be over, but our work is not done yet. Tuesday is Election Day for Coral Gables, and I urge you to stay civically engaged and vote. In essence, all politics are local, and we ha...
Election Day is Nov. 6. On that day, I urge you to re-elect President Barack Obama for his strong record of job creation and support of education. I hope that you will also re-elect Sen. Bill Nelson f...
In the next few weeks, we will hear President Obama and Gov. Romney debate on a litany of issues including the economy, energy, healthcare and foreign policy. One issue that will not receive such a sp...
ran must not get a nuclear weapon. It would completely reshape the power balance in the Middle East and put the United States in danger.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad is an unstable and viciou...
Mitt Romney is not the solution to today’s job crisis, but rather part of the problem. Born to wealthy industrialist George Romney, Mitt was born on third base, thinking he’d hit a triple.
In 1984,...
The United States has well over a trillion dollar budget deficit. That is fact. Both parties want to eliminate this deficit, but vary in their approaches to solve the deficit.
Who is Marco Rubio? This is the question so many Floridians ask today. Republicans claim that he is a “Reagan Conservative.” Tea Partiers claim that he is one of them: anti-incumbent and opposed to Big Government.