83.3 F
Coral Gables
Thursday, May 2, 2024
May 2 , 2024

Response to ‘Kind Care Package’

I am appalled and extremely disappointed with your article "Overreacting to a Kind Care Package" that ran in the Opinion Section of the Miami Hurricane on October 30th, 2008.

The true meaning of Veterans Day is largely forgotten in America

President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as Armistice Day in 1919 — the one-year anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, the end of WWI.

Gay marriage, a lost hope

A laptop rested in front of me, and every few minutes I clicked refresh on the California state government website, tracking the precinct results of Proposition 8, the measure to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.

The right to carry should be extended to UM students

The University of Miami can be seen as an oasis of greenery and security in a city known for crime and violence.

Look at the bright side

Obama for the most part , had good advisors. The cabinet he chooses will be the most demonstrative way he will define his office.

It’s hard to be patriotic

When asked why, their remarks were just reprocessed regurgitation of commonly held positions on the economy and "change" with a general disregard for the current administration and the direction of the country.

In response to Dan Buyanovsky

I am very disappointed at your ignorance as to what makes for a good performance.

In response to Victoria San Pedro

In response to Ms. San Pedro's piece, I find her reasoning to be both flawed and absurd.

What every voter needs to know

I'm going to tell you what every American citizen ought to know: If any minor party gets 5% of the popular vote, that party becomes major and is officially integrated into our democratic system.

In response to Jenna King

When I read Jenna King's opinion piece, I could barely believe the pity party that she threw for the Republican Party.

Hurricane Reader

Letter to the Editor