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Coral Gables
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
January 15 , 2025

Fanatical frenzies deemed futile

People love to camp out. Instead of enjoying the outdoors, however, most camping trips actually entail waiting lines for anything from movies to video games.

Virtual birthday wishes are disappointing

When I think about it, it’s rather baffling that on one’s birthday, a flood of wall notifications comes in from virtually everyone, mostly strangers or brush-up acquaintances, who send their “best wishes.”

Freshmen, don’t stop believin’

So you’re finally in Miami, and it’s hot as hell.

Service doesn’t mean sass

I am continually shocked at how often I see people treating employees poorly. These poor individuals are working for too little money to deal with crappy customers (hopefully not like you) every day, ...

Lose the shades

Miami has beautiful, sunny weather most of the time, but despite this fact, it’s never sunny indoors. I’ve never understood why people who are inside refuse to take their sunglasses off, but let’s consider the possibilities.

Sick of well-worn humor

Comedy in its finest forms is priceless, but unless the recipient is completely void of thought, who loves repeated, hand-me-down humor? When is the last time you’ve told a Robin Williams’ joke and go...

A Day With the Pickup Artists

I attended this program which included four hours of lecturing and four hours of in-field training where students casually chased after gorgeous women up and down Lincoln Road.

Making a connection in a sea of faces

Our school is small enough that you will see so many of the same faces but never know most of them. If someone is too snotty to humor the idea, then it is likely that person is not worthy of your time.

Every guy loves to test the taken waters

Whether they’re taken or not doesn’t matter in the interest of being social. The latter, however, is always preferable for obvious reasons.

Freshly Scooped ‘iPoop’

The iPad has gone too far and become a morbidly obese, astonishingly 1984-esque version of my now retrospectively primitive iPad nano that I can install apps on and make calls on. Futhermore, it still fits in my pocket!

Evan Seaman

Contributing Columnist