The company Love Systems, formerly Mystery Method Corp., held a “Day Game Workshop” on Feb. 27 at the South Seas Hotel for frustrated men who wanted to learn to pick up ladies.
I attended this program which included four hours of lecturing and four hours of in-field training where students casually chased after gorgeous women up and down Lincoln Road.The staff was not with us when initiating conversation, which forced individuals to gain confidence.The instructors observed us from an inconspicuous distance and then critiqued us.Their reviews were spot on from evaluating the body language of students and the hot targets’ reactions.
The main instructor Jeremy Soul has the swagger and voice of Jude Law in addition to the looks and light-heartedness of a more scholarly Kal Penn. He opened his lecture by saying “I do what I believe in” and as a source of encouragement, reminded us that “failure weighs ounces but regret weighs tons.”
I had my initial doubts about the program, but it quickly became clear was that Soul really cared about the subject and offered sincere insight about his experience with women. He also owned up to his prior failures by admitting early on that he used to be a close-mouthed introvert and never caught the attention of women when he was a teenager.
However, for the past five years up until now at age twenty-six, he has made up for lost time by striking up methodical cold call conversations and getting laid more often than most.There’s an algorithm to attracting women that is explained and applied and while I can’t explicitly reveal any tricks due to contractual stipulations and to protect my own game, the plan is ingenious and works more often than one would guess.
The root of one’s success with the opposite sex and life generally boils down to having confidence, being genuine, and creating an adaptable strategy.
Is the program worth the asking price of $1,500? While it is a steep barrier to entry for the strapped college student, those who attended had more disposable incomes and recognized an area in their lives where they wanted to improve. Nearly everyone, including myself surprisingly, was content with the lecture and the feedback received from the instructors and as a result, the information gained is invaluable.
Evan Seaman is a junior majoring in marketing. He may be contacted at His blog is posted on