Festival Miami, the annual concert series hosted by the Frost School of Music, kicks off Friday bringing an eclectic mixture of style, culture and world-class talent to the University of Miami campus all this month.
The Frost School of Music faculty’s own Thomas Sleeper will release a new CD of original music this week featuring artists from both the University of Miami and the acclaimed Russian National Orchestra.
For some, shopping at a bookstore is really just shopping. For others, shopping at a bookstore is a quest. Only after browsing through about 300 volumes covering every shelf in the building do the...
A car accident occurred in the University Village on Sunday afternoon after a student ran a stop sign at in front of Building 5 and struck another vehicle.
Festival Miami, the annual concert series hosted by the Frost School of Music, kicks off this Friday bringing an eclectic mixture of style culture, and world-class talent to the University of Miami campus all month.
This season’s opener at the Jerry Herman Ring Theatre, has already got the student cast singing praise for its self-depreciating parody, sharp commentary and… toilet humor.
The Frost School of Music faculty’s own Thomas Sleeper will release a new CD of original music this week featuring artists from both the University of Miami and the acclaimed Russian National Orchestra.
“RENT,” the record-breaking rock opera, was the epic finale to the University of Miami’s Department of Theatre Arts’ high-energy season.
The Tony Award-winning musical, which was written by Jonathan ...
“RENT,” the record-breaking rock opera is already looking to be both new and epic, as the University of Miami Department of Theatre Arts’ high-energy season closer.
“The Bounty Hunter” is another example of how two famous actors costarring in a movie (Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler in this case) doesn’t always ensure a big success. Despite Aniston’s reliable charm, her and Butler fail to show any real chemistry.