Josh Peck, an actor known for his role as Josh in the hit Nickelodeon TV show "Drake and Josh" will be participating in a moderated discussion at the University of Miami on Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. in the Shalala Student Center Ballroom.
FSU ranked 58 in 2021, but with UM dropping six places from its 2021 ranking of 49, FSU has evened the playing field in the race to recognition as Florida’s second best university.
When al Qaeda member and attack orchestrator Mohamed Atta steered American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, he initiated a catastrophe that would live on in the mem...
“I think it will serve as a nice release for us students given this difficult semester and that we missed out on the carnival last year due to COVID,” said Rachel Bergeron, a sophomore studying biochemistry and nutrition.
Today is University of Miami's second and final Wellness Wednesday, a dedicated day off for students to unplug and recharge themselves as they prepare for the stressful final weeks of the semester.