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Coral Gables
Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26 , 2024

George H.W. Bush and how his politics could save America

As perhaps the last American President to do so, his actions may provide a framework for how we can fix our democracy.

A showdown for Florida’s future

Florida has a choice this November: Fight for a better and safer future or elect the people who will threaten Florida’s safety and very existence.

Rethinking a troubling voting trend on Holocaust Remembrance Day

How could a group of people who had been oppressed for so many years now support the oppressors?

After shooting, leadership fails again

We fail by blaming these shootings on mental health, ineffective school safety and lack of proper gun training.

Democrats’ acceptance of DACA-endangering bill is an ideological fail...

We had an opportunity to take a stand for what we believe in with Republicans were facing a government shutdown, and we blew it.

Evangelicals support for Roy Moore exposes hypocrisy

Roy Moore became the top enforcer of the law despite grossly violating it over and over again.

Politics in Florida polarize, not unite, the state

Former South Miami Vice Mayor Walter Harris proposed a resolution calling for Florida to split into two states – North Florida and South Florida – in 2014.The idea of southern counties sep...

Partnership with Cuban institutes is necessary for widening US–Cuban ...

For the past few months, there has been a great deal of controversy over the university's stance on relations with Cuban institutions, particularly government-run universities. The issue garnered atte...

Student organizations at the U can make a difference in the community

"Get involved!"Over the next few weeks, bright-eyed freshmen across the country will hear this rallying cry in the halls of their colleges and universities. Whether it be through a community service o...

High time for marijuana to be reclassified, legalized based on mild effects...

Opponents of recreational marijuana say that it is a dangerous and irresponsible drug. On the contrary, these critics are the ones being dangerous and irresponsible. Marijuana should be legalized, and...

Ryan Steinberg