Academics are more than just cracking open books and regurgitating ideas on a midterm.
Funded by a donation from alumna Jill Viner, the College of Arts and Sciences is sponsoring the Beyond the Book ...
In 1962, a Peace Corps volunteer began her two-year visit to southern Iran to teach English to locals in a small village. She wanted to volunteer in the Middle East, particularly because her family ...
Despite economic pressures to cut funding and other challenges facing the university, two of UM’s professional schools and one program continue to improve.
According to the 2011 edition of U.S. News ...
The next time the Coral Gables campus is flooded with red and blue lights, it won’t just be up to the police to keep students safe.
In a statement released on Feb. 22 to the university communi...
Oftentimes, it would seem that the worst cases of malicious oppression happen in distant countries and far-away lands. One event will allow hundreds of students to experience the consequences of pressing human issues here on campus.
With the signature of Gov. Jan Brewer, Arizona legalized three things: distrust amongst local police and the state’s 790,000 foreign-born residents, racial profiling and an ineffective policy.
The University of Miami was ranked No. 1 among charitable organizations that consecutively rank with four-stars, according to Charity Navigator. This year marks the tenth consecutive year that UM receives a four-star rating.
On Monday, April 19 at approximately 12:45 p.m., the University of Miami Police Department issued an e-mail “safety alert” to the university community about a former student who is banned on all UM campuses.