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Coral Gables
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
January 14 , 2025

Should I respect religion?

Should I respect religion? I am inclined to say no on the grounds that religion doesn’t respect me either.

Remembering John Updike (1932-2009)

The summer I turned 18 I bought a Penguin paperback edition of John Updike’s novel Rabbit, Run in the back of small antique bookstore in Copenhagen.

Salman Rushdie speaks in Miami

If Salman Rushdie was going to seem a little smug or self-satisfied as he took to the stage on the last evening of the Miami book fair, my brother and I agreed before hand, then we'd understand completely.

Save Italian writer Roberto Saviano

Roberto Saviano, the Italian writer and journalist, has lived under constant police protection since the publication of his non-fiction book Gmorrah in 2006 due to his fierce criticism of the Camorra, the Neapolitan mafia.

The fear of socialism

John McCain and Sarah Palin appear to be encouraging a Third Red Scare.

Why would a woman vote for Sarah Palin?

It is largely agreed that Republican candidate John McCain at least partly chose Alaskan governor Sarah Palin as his VP choice in order to appeal to the women voters who supported Hilary Clinton as the Democratic Presidential nominee.

Morten Hoi Jensen

Contributing Opinion Writer