88.2 F
Coral Gables
Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26 , 2024

The NFL supports hatred toward America by kneeling during anthem

Watching NFL games on Sunday evenings in the living room is a relaxing way to mentally prepare for the work week. Football is a way to decompress and forget about our troubles. However, what we’...

In the Internet age, today’s political divides are reminiscent of Civ...

Due to the recent events in Charlottesville, I am reminded of the American Civil War, and how today's political climate resembles that conflict. In the Internet Age, our political disagreements take p...

Fears of World War 3 unfounded

The term “WWIII” has been a top Google search in the United States over the past few weeks. With the bombings in Syria and the increased tensions with North Korea, some in the media have m...

Joseph Krupar