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Coral Gables
Thursday, December 12, 2024
December 12 , 2024

Classroom exclusion of beat generation works must end

  William Burroughs, author of the nightmarishly potent “Naked Lunch,” puzzled critics and academics for decades. At first glance, “Naked Lunch” is a collection of pure dribble – words in ...

Chavismo has left Venezuela in a state of turmoil

As an aspiring revolutionary of the late 20th century, Hugo Chavez possessed two things that led him to the upper echelons of an effort to overthrow the Venezuelan government: a deep admiration for Fi...

Local residents and UM students discuss legacy of 1980 Miami Riots

While young people are most aware of the events in Ferguson, Mo. and protests of cases since then, Miami residents revisit the racial tensions and chaos caused by the destructive McDuffie riots in the...

Venezuela’s decline shows failure of Maduro’s government, Ameri...

In the aftermath of the renewal of mass protests in Venezuela, a failing state that each day finds itself stumbling closer toward complete anarchy, one can’t help but feel powerless when reports...

After Syrian missile strikes, questions remain about larger strategy

Last week, the United States delivered a strong message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by conducting a missile strike in retaliation to Assad’s grotesque chemical attack that left hundreds ...

Israel Aragon Bravo