Standing on the light beige wood of the glossy volleyball court, more than a dozen teammates face each other through the net with their hands placed above their protected knees.
Behind them, lining...
Everything you believe at this moment is the result of what you heave heard, read and seen. Your ideas about religion, your ideas about sex, your ideas about what you should accomplish by the time you...
In high school, I took French with no practical reason other than that it sounded sexy. When I got to college and found out that I’d need to spend three semesters taking a foreign language, I knew I’d...
Within all of us exists a need to contribute something to humanity that extends beyond the uninspired path of mediocrity.
You might know that you’d like to do something great, but on a university c...
Because we think breakdowns are an exhibition of mental exhaustion and instability, we don’t tell anyone when a normal night turns into a cry fest. I am not referring to breakdowns caused by breakups ...
One of the most common questions on the playground when I was a child was, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The answers ranged from ballerina to policeman, astronaut to actor. We all saw ou...
I only met Lester Goran once. A professor at the University of Miami since 1960, he was the man behind the Creative Writing Program and at the age of 85, still taught an advanced creative writing cour...
It’s a widely accepted standard that, in college, you don’t have to go to class. It’s the difference between high school and university. No one can call you a truant, no one will phone home, and if yo...
When producer Brian Joseph Burton (also known as Danger Mouse), and founder of The Shins James Mercer came together to form Broken Bells in 2009, it was no surprise that their first, self-titled album...
New classes are beginning, and everyone is trying to make their schedules as bearable as possible. Be prepared when that 100-level science class you selected to fulfill your science requirement ends u...