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Coral Gables
Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26 , 2024

Health care reform is a step forward

L et us get this out of the way:  I find the Affordable Care Act, upheld in near-entirety this past June by the U.S. Supreme Court, as a vital step forward in expanding insurance coverage and minim...

Obama succeeded during his term

Rarely does our president get an uninterrupted chance before such a large audience to speak directly to the nation.  For this reason, the State of the Union address often serves two purposes: to illum...

Offshore drilling will not solve oil crisis

It does not take a genius to figure out that we have a fuel crisis on our hands, with gas prices still incredibly high and America still looking for solutions to its energy problems. One solution i...

Mitt Romney flip-flops in a league of his own

If Mitt Romney, who many Americans see as the Republican front-runner in the primaries, ends up facing President Barack Obama in the general election, the latter’s campaign will have a field day with ...

Gaurav Dhiman