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Monday, January 20, 2025
January 20 , 2025

Social media buys instant gratification at cost of genuine interactions

Social-media outlets like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have made us forget how to truly communicate with one another. These platforms have enabled people to create simulations of their lives, cons...

Gluten-free craze not necessarily good for health

The gluten-free diet began as a means to elicit awareness of celiac disease, a serious autoimmune disease where an immune response is triggered in the lining of the small intestine in the presence of ...

Germ-free doesn’t always mean disease-free

From hand sanitizers to antibiotics in the food industry, various forms of antibacterial agents have become a norm in modern America. One might assume that due to the increased usage of antibiotics ...

Physician training lacks nutritional, lifestyle focus

One could point a finger at doctors for spreading the obesity epidemic in the United States by prescribing medication to patients as opposed to teaching better behaviors and healthy lifestyles. Howeve...

Kraft cheese Singles do not help “Kids Eat Right”

Nutritional sirens flare when a food label lists sodium phosphate, sorbic acid, sodium citrate and sodium sulfate as ingredients in its product. When the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the wor...

Recent research cracks cholesterol misconceptions

The yellow of the yolk has long been demonized as a source of high cholesterol in blood levels and has been forced out of the diets of many health-conscious individuals. However, the effect of high-c...

Unhealthy habits can’t be broken overnight

The childhood school cafeteria has been a haven for oil-laden pizzas, butter-infused hamburgers and cookies dripping with grease. Despite their artery-clogging properties, children accept these nutrie...

Genetically modified organisms could eradicate nature

Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, was the first to knowingly manipulate nature’s genomic fabrics by integrating a new author into the mix. He gave man’s hand a role in the workings of natural...

7-Eleven gets nutritious makeover

7-Eleven’s image over the years has come to feature large Slurpees and rows of potato chip bags loaded with refined sugars and void of any nutritional value. However, change is on the horizon. In...

Ebola crisis requires hastened FDA approval

During the standard FDA approval process for vaccines and drugs, years go by before anything tangible reaches the general public. However, in an attempt to treat the Ebola epidemic sweeping an entire ...

Faizah Shareef