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Coral Gables
Monday, May 13, 2024
May 13 , 2024

Dear V: After rejecting God, my friends and family rejected me. Where can I...

Recently I came out as an atheist, and feel very alone. My parents keep telling me how disappointed they are that I am going to hell, and many of my friends and family have distanced themselves from me. This is supposed to be a secular campus but there’s no support group for me. How can I cope? Is there anywhere I can go for acceptance?

Dear V: Should I tell roommate about me and her boyfriend’s mid-sleep...

I don' t know what to do. I accidentally slept with my roommate's boyfriend while she was working. Am I guilty of betraying my roommate's friendship? This was not premeditated by me and besides, I was in a deep sleep when the episode started. Should I tell her?

Dear V: My beau’s B.O. is bodaciously bad

I am planning to marry my boyfriend after he finishes law school. I couldn't have found a better match for myself, but I can't stomach the way he smells. This is not bad breath or odor from sweat, but rather just his natural skin smell. Are we doomed?

Dear V: How can I spice up my pillow talk?

My girlfriend told me that she wanted to take our sex life to the next level. She wants us to start talking dirty to each other in bed. Unfortunately, I've never done this before and don't know what to say. Do you have any advice for what I should say?

Dear V: How to reach the finish line with distracted boyfriend

My boyfriend has OCD and has a major problem with touching me "down there." He says it's gross and he just can't deal with it. I have tried talking to him about it numerous times, but I end up feeling really bad because he gets so upset. Do you have any advice?

Dear V: After V-Day love, I want to break it off. When should I say it?

I just got back from my Valentine's Day date with my girlfriend of nine months. The dinner was going very well until my girlfriend told me that she loved me. Once she dropped that emotional bomb on me, I realized that I don't have any romantic feelings for her anymore. How soon after Valentine's Day is it okay to dump her?

Dear V: How can I get my girlfriend to clear out the brush?

There is a situation with my girlfriend that I’m not sure how to handle delicately. To put it gently, she needs a serious trim.

Dear V: How can I keep my man’s bro away?

My boyfriend and I have been together for several months now, and things are going great between us. His best friend (and roommate) is a different story. As our relationship gets more and more serious, the best friend gets more and more possessive. What can I do to make him more accepting of me?

Dear V: Dealing with a messy relationship

Help. I have a dark secret- dark brown, that is. My girlfriend is constantly dieting and uses laxatives to stay thin. Sometimes when we are intimate and she is in the throes of ecstasy, she soils. What should I say?

Dear V: Help! My boyfriend’s a model!

I’m dating a really hot guy. I know, most people would probably wonder what my problem is. He’s too hot!


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