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Coral Gables
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
May 1 , 2024

Dear V: My best friend hit on my boyfriend

Dear V, The last few weeks, my best friend has been increasingly difficult. At the football game last weekend, it was the final straw. We’re both partiers, so I’m used to being the designated drive...

Dear V: Boyfriend doesn’t know I want our own ‘Sausage Party...

Dear V, The other day, my boyfriend asked me what my ultimate fantasy is in bed. He said he wanted to know so he could plan it as a gift for me someday. I made up a lie about something simple, like u...

Dear V: New year, new me?

Dear V, I’m a freshman that just started school at the U. My nose is crooked from an accident in middle school. It never bothered me much, as I’m from a small town in the Midwest and, there, people...

Dear V: Boyfriend becoming beauty guru

Dear V, Lately, my boyfriend has picked up an interesting hobby – one that I wouldn't expect, given he's on the football team and is in a frat – he started wearing makeup. At first, it was a jok...

Dear V: Are ‘flirtationships’ really cheating?

Dear V, Lately, I’ve noticed my boyfriend has been hiding his phone from me. He seems to always be texting someone, but he doesn’t tell me who it is. On Instagram, I noticed a girl commenting on all ...

Dear V: Social media obsession ruining relationship

Dear V, My girlfriend is a self-titled “social media queen.” She’s always posting somewhere, from Facebook and Instagram to Pinterest DIY tags and Tumblr fandoms. It was cute at first. She’d post a ...

Dear V: Weathering storms without an umbrella

Dear V, Lately, my boyfriend has been pushing for us to have sex without a condom. I trust him and we’ve been dating for years, so I’m not afraid of STIs. That said, though, I’m not on birth contro...

Dear V: Boyfriend’s fetishes becoming too extreme

Dear V, My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year or so. We met on a fetish website and hit it off instantly, so we’re just as close to each other physically as we are emotionally, and we’ve sha...

Dear V: 5 tips for a smooth summer fling

As the end of spring semester approaches, UM students are anticipating internships, summer jobs and mojitos on the beach. While slaving away studying for finals, remember to make plans to turn up the...

Dear V: How do I shake my clingy FWB?

Dear V, I’ve had a friend with benefits for a while. Things have been good so far; we talk once a week or so, hook up a few times a month and occasionally hang out together in our group of friends. P...


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