A month ago, the editorial board condemned Lance Armstrong for his use of performance-enhancing drugs in the Tour de France. This week, The Miami Hurricane unashamedly encouraged its readers to abuse ...
Life is a sequence of obstacles, each one a test you must pass or fail. When we make mistakes during the process of overcoming those barriers, we often beat ourselves up over them.
At times we even...
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often get caught up in ourselves and lose track of those around us. Work, classes and other obligations take up huge chunks of our time.
In this omnipresen...
While the definition of love varies from person to person, I believe it to be something dignified and great because of what it creates: friendships, families and eventually children (the ultimate gift...
For many people, writing is a chore. But for me, it’s an outlet for my creativity. It grants me the power to use language as a tool for helping myself and, most importantly, for helping others. It all...
Life is an ordeal with many sudden twists and inevitable turns. Many factors, some rapid and others gradual, pressure individuals to adapt or die. What allows some of us to survive – or even thrive – ...
For as long as I can remember, I have always felt different from other people. As I have grown older, the more I began to realize I was as unique from everyone else as I was similar to them. This conc...
We live in a world that places high expectations and even higher demands on its inhabitants. Whether you’re a plant, an animal, or even a single-celled organism, you still need to maintain stable amou...
Congratulations, incoming freshmen. Welcome to the University of Miami, the greatest school in Florida and one of the leading universities in the United States. You have come very far from your humble beginnings in kindergarten all those years ago. You have matured greatly since those days. Now that you’re in college, you must continue to grow in your education.