Sweaty walks to class. Pamphlets in the Breezeway. Slipping in duck poop.
Last fall, The Miami Hurricane ran its annual "Best of UMiami" special feature, in which we asked your opinion on our schoo...
So you’ve got your tickets to Ultra Music Festival this weekend. But what happens when the lights cut out and the crowd goes home? Just because Ultra ends doesn’t mean there’s not plenty more dancing ...
Classic rock group Styx played at Miami’s Magic City Casino last weekend on Friday, Dec. 2. While the audience was smaller than during the band’s heyday in the late '70s and early '80s, it was no ...
Santa's Enchanted Forest
If you're the type to immediately hop into the holiday spirit after Halloween's over, check out Santa's Enchanted Forest in Tropical Park. Featuring attractions like bumper...
Album cover courtesy Interscope Records
In the midst of her three-stop Dive Bar Tour promoting “Joanne,” her fifth studio album, Lady Gaga’s back in the spotlight and set to perform at the ...
It’s a few days before Halloween. You scramble to pick up a last-minute costume at a local party store, but you’re surprised by the limited options: sexy firefighter, sexy police officer, sexy nurse...
Between balancing school, work, your social life and "me" time, life can sometimes feel like a piece of performance art. It's easy to fall into the routine of hanging out at your favorite, familia...
Update, 12:58 p.m., Oct. 11, 2016: Quotes from Blake Hawthorne and information about obtaining tickets and past Homecoming Concerts were added.
Update, 9:45 a.m., Oct. 13, 2016: Details about gener...
DORM Theater in Action: Bystander Intervention
A collaboration between the UM Department of Theatre Arts and COPE (Counseling Outreach Peer Education), this performance depicts an off-stage sexual ...
Alyssa Bolt can be reached via email at abolt@themiamihurricane.com and through Twitter at @AlyssaLBolt. Her LinkedIn is linkedin.com/in/boltalyssa, and her personal website is alyssabolt.wordpress.com.