The University of Miami Police Department has several resources for the UM community to ensure everyone always feels and is safe on campus. The following are all available at no cost to students, faculty and staff at the UM.
Safety Escort Services
When traveling around campus, the University of Miami offers two escort options to make sure students make it to their destination safely and worry-free.
The first is the UMPD 24/7 Safety Escort Service, available all day on any day, including holidays and school breaks. When you call the number, a UM Police employee or security officer will meet you within 15 minutes and either walk with you or transport you to your destination. Students can use this resource as many times as they need.
The other option is Safe Ride, which is an on-demand transportation service operating Monday through Friday between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. The service picks up and drops off within the perimeter of the Coral Gables campus.
UMPD 24/7 Safety Escort Service: 305-284-6666
Safe Ride: 305-769-6065
UM students, faculty and staff can download Rave Guardian for free on their smartphones to stay safe on campus. The app features a one-touch call button to UMPD and shares any emergency information inputted into the app with the dispatcher, such as geographic location and emergency contacts.
UGuardian also has a feature that allows a designated friend or roommate to track their journey. If after an entered time has passed and the user cannot be reached by their designated “guardian,” their guardian can then contact UMPD through the app, sharing the user’s emergency information.
Learn more here.
Blue Light Emergency Phones
It’s difficult to walk around campus without passing several Blue Light Phones. These phones connect directly to UMPD and can identify the location of the caller if they are unable to speak.
They can be used to request a safety escort, report a suspicious person or activity, obtain information or report an emergency. They can be used in both emergency and non-emergency situations.
Learn more and view a map of emergency phone locations here.
S.A.F.E. Program
The Self-defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange is a 1.5 to 2 hour, female-only self-defense class accessible by all University students, faculty and staff. The class focuses on risk awareness, risk reduction and personal safety with a few basic physical self-defense techniques.
Classes are offered periodically throughout the year on the Coral Gables campus and are instructed by National Self-Defense Institute Certified S.A.F.E. instructors.
Learn more here.
Bicycle/Scooter Safety
All bicycles and scooters on campus must be registered by UMPD and will be given a free lock. This allows UMPD to locate and return a stolen bicycle or scooter easier while also preventing theft. If a bike is seen unsecured, it will be locked by UMPD. If this happens, contact UMPD to remove the lock.
Bicycles are legally defined as vehicles in the state of Florida and thus must obey traffic laws and give pedestrians the right of way. When riding a bike, make sure to wear your helmet and ride with traffic, not against. It is also a state law that at night, riders must wear light-colored clothing and have an illuminated headlight and taillight.
Register your bike or scooter here.
Important Numbers
For a UM Campus Emergency, call the UM Police Department at 305-284-8005.
For non-emergencies, call one of the following numbers:
Coral Gables campus: 305-284-6666
Medical Campus: 305-243-6000 (6-6000 or *711 in-house)
RSMAS campus: 305-710-7991 or 305-734-3776
In the case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911.