April 24, 2020 Naomi Feinstein Plantation, FL
Why are there so many cars on the road?
In South Florida, we have been under a stay-at-home order for quite some time— restaurants are closed besides those doing takeout; movie theaters are closed; salons are closed; parks and beaches are closed; Yet, there are still so many cars on the road as if it’s a normal day here in Broward County.
It seems as though I am not the only one noticing that there seems to be a lot of people on the roads.
Tim Reynolds, an Associated Press sportswriter based in South Florida, tweeted, “Have a vet appointment so I’m out and about… none of you are home. The roads are jammed.”
In fear of spreading COVID-19, my family and I rarely leave our home. In the few times we have, it has been to pick up food curbside from a local restaurant to help support during this difficult time. Now, we elect to only use delivery to adhere to the social-distancing guidelines.
Of course, there are those who are deemed essential workers. Still- there just seems to be too many cars on the road.
According to South Florida stay-at-home guidelines, “Individuals are strongly urged to remain home other than to engage in essential activities.” Those essential activities include those who work at an essential business, grocery shopping and going to the pharmacy.
Governor Ron DeSantis even said the curve is flattening so it seems stay-at-home orders are working.
I fear that people are still on the roads, not adhering to the guidelines issued by the CDC. Yes, people do need still go to work, but at the same time, those who are just out and about for nonessential reasons, risk spreading coronavirus and are hurting small businesses in the long run.
Staying home is saving lives— I just hope DeSantis does not follow in the footsteps of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp in opening the state back up too quickly and prematurely. Too many lives are at risk.
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