The University of Miami School of Education and Human Development celebrated a newly tenured faculty member, Moataz Eltoukhy. The kinesiology and sport sciences professor along with two other tenured professors celebrated with Dean Kohn Wood, the dean of the School of Education and Human Development, at the provost’s newly tenured faculty dinner.
Eltoukhy was excited and happy to see the dean at the dinner, admiring how she was so approachable. He didn’t feel like he was interacting with someone of higher rank or authority.
“She is very friendly, and I always like to meet with her and have her around,” said Eltoukhy.
According to Eltoukhy, Wood is the main part of his success so to share his celebration with someone who was integral to his success made it a rewarding and special day.
Since being at UM for almost 15 years, Eltoukhy knew that he wanted to make the university his permanent home.
“I love the multicultural environment of the university and the SEHD,” said Eltoukhy.
In 2011, Eltoukhy received his Ph.D. at the College of Engineering in the field of biomechanics, then he completed his post-doctorate. In 2013, he accepted an offer to work at the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences in the SEHD.
Eltoukhy expressed gratitude at achieving tenure, a key career milestone for most academics. Being a member of a unique team of faculty and students working on improving people’s education, psychological and physical wellbeing is the most rewarding part of his career.