Senate discusses freedom of expression on campus
During an open forum, Speaker of the Senate Josh Zuchniarz raised the issue of controversial conversations and UM’s policy on sensitive subjects.
The following discussion focused on safe spaces, trigger warnings and proper training for student leaders. Many of the senators’ responses were about mutual respect and focusing on diction when talking about controversial topics. The senators also mentioned that students should be more open to learning about other cultures.
“It’s not necessarily the opinion, but the way it is expressed,” said Sarah Betancourt, commuter senator and head of Academic Affairs.
Ritika Malkani, Arts and Sciences senator, spoke about the need for these discussions on a college campus.
“The whole point of higher education is to dispute controversial topics,” Malkani said.
The conversation eventually led to the possibility of a “Dialog Series,” in which the Senate will tackle social topics at the meetings. They’ve started working with their Personal Relations Committee to spread the word.
Director of Study Abroad visits Senate
Director of Study Abroad Devika Milner spoke to Senate about the various Study Abroad programs available through the University of Miami.
“If you feel like there are obstacles preventing you from studying abroad, I want to make sure you hear about all the opportunities first,” Milner said.
The options include the semester-long “U” Programs, exchange programs and intersession or summer events led by UM faculty. Courses taken abroad do count toward majors, minors, cognates and electives.
For more information, visit
- There will be no shuttles to Wynwood this month.
- The first ‘Cane Talks will take place Sept. 8 at 4 p.m. in the Shalala Student Center Ballroom.