Health updates from guest speaker
The first meeting of Student Senate for the fall semester had guest speaker Dr. Howard Anapol, director of Student Health Service, speak about the upcoming ambulatory Lennar Foundation Medical Center and information on the Zika virus.
The biggest change will be the move from the current building of Student Health Service to the new Lennar Foundation Medical Center later this year. Among the benefits for Student Health is that students have access to all new facilities available, including the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, No. 1 eye hospital Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and other multi-disciplinary clinics, facilities that before were only available at the Miller School of Medicine.
As for the move, Dr. Anapol said, “Modern technology makes it pretty easy, and [it] should run smoothly.”
Moreover, once the current Student Health Service across from the Pavia Garage move into the new medical center, their building will undergo renovation to prepare for the Counseling Center to move in. The renovations are expected to take place next year.
After the Zika virus started appearing in Miami, Dr. Anapol assured students that Zika is predominantly an issue for pregnant women, or women considering to become pregnant. For women considering pregnancy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends waiting eight weeks for the infection to clear from your blood. For men infected, CDC recommends waiting six months for sexual activity without a condom.
“We try to not overreact, but we also try to not underreact,” said Dr. Anapol.
Updates on Campus
- LGBQ center opens today, Aug 25.
- Construction on new architecture studio begins January 17.
- Pedestrian overpass is expected to open Spring of 2017.
- New dorms are expected to be opened Fall of 2019.
- President Julio Frenk will be attending the Senate meeting on October 5.
- Sep 8 is the last day to pay outstanding balances on your account before you are dropped from your classes.
- Filing for Senate elections begins Monday, Aug 29 on the OrgSync webpage.