Senate Recap: Speakers attend first Senate meeting in new roles

Wednesday marked the official starting date for Josh Zuchniarz and Henson Destine in their new roles as Speaker of the Senate and new Speaker Pro Tempore, respectively. Both thanked the Senate for electing them and presented their goals for the coming term in the 2016-17 academic year.

“Thank you all for vesting your faith in me and Henson. It’s exciting to be on this side of the table,” Zuchniarz said. “Our vision for this year is awareness and a better representation of the constituency.”

Their goal for the coming year is to reengage the Senate with its constituents and to be more involved with the student body. The first step is the restructuring of the Public Relations committee, an action done within a bill they passed Wednesday.

The bill adds on to the duties of Public Relations to plan and to create more events specifically aimed at increasing awareness of Student Government.

Another bill that was passed related to their vision for Senate by increasing the amount of events a committee chair or vice chair must attend.

“As a chair or vice chair of a committee, you should be willing to set an example by going to more events,” Henson Destine said.


  • Commuter Senator Sarah Betancourt was named Senator of the Year. She was awarded for her hard work and dedication as chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, according to Jeff Sznapstajler.
  • A bill was passed to add an Academic Liaison Council to the executive branch to improve student relations with Student Government.
  • A bill was passed to co-sponsor Sexual Assault Awareness Month on campus throughout April.S