Mental Health Forum
The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) will receive $320 of co-sponsorship funding from Student Government to be used for their event, Mental Health Forum.
The event will aim to identify mental health issues and address them on campus. The forum also hopes to examine the cross-cultural effects of mental health, how different cultures view mental health and how they can best cater to a variety of mental health needs.
SHAC will also be hosting Tip or Treat on the Friday before Halloween, when they will be giving out free lollipops and condoms in the residential halls.
Orange Festival
Orange Festival is a one-day festival in the spring semester of 2016 that celebrates what it means to be a Cane. Different organizations and businesses come together to celebrate the rich history and traditions of the university.
Applications to be on the executive board are live at and are due on Monday by midnight.
In the first week of November, undergraduate students doing research or taking class for credit on the medical campus will receive paid metro passes that will last for the semester.
There will be no fee for student organizations looking to reserve space in the Patti and Allan Herbert Wellness Center.
“Hey Scott” is an online suggestion box for students to ask questions and give compliments or suggestions about the Patti and Allan Herbert Wellness Center to executive director Scott Levin.
Students can pie student and administrative leaders on the UC Patio for $2 on Friday. Student Government President Brianna Hathaway and Associate Director of the Student Center Complex Brandon Gross will be among leaders that students can pie. All proceedings go toward Heart for Africa and A Week for Life. Heart for Africa is a charity that provides education, healthcare and resources to vulnerable children in Swaziland. A Week 4 Life works to educate students and the community on sexual health and HIV and AIDS.