The world’s a stage at I-Week

Participants during the 2010 International Week perform a dance. Cayla Nimmo//The Miami Hurricane
Participants during the 2010 International Week perform a dance. Cayla Nimmo//The Miami Hurricane

If you want a taste of Europe, the Caribbean or Africa, don’t buy an international plane ticket- just stop by the University Center Patio.

Starting Monday, the Council of International Students and Organizations (COISO) will celebrate several cultures on campus during its largest event, International Week.

COISO is the umbrella organization for the other international groups on campus.

“I-Week’s major goal is essentially the same mission as COISO’s,” said Rudy Hernandez, the organization’s exiting treasurer. “We want to allow students to experience a culture they are not a part of.”

Events are catered to allow students to have global experiences without leaving campus.

“I love island music, so I’m excited to see what they have for Caribbean night,” freshman Brandon Rosenberg said. “I’m also looking forward to seeing all the different cultures and popular aspects of the different areas and countries. It’s like traveling without having to go anywhere.”

As in previous years, different activities and food will celebrate the night’s culture.  However, there have been a few changes made this year. European night was added after excluding it for several years. Moreover, each night will incorporate its culture into one of William Shakespeare’s plays as a part of this year’s theme, “All the World’s a Stage.”

“I’m really excited to see their interpretations of the plays,” freshman Shimul Gajjar said.

I-Week events will take place next week Monday through Friday with festivities each night, including European night, Latin and Middle-Eastern night, Asia and Pacific Islands night, Caribbean night and African night.

European night kicks the week off with a variation of “Macbeth.” As part of the night’s festivities, the German Club will provide non-alcoholic beer.
Latin and Middle-Eastern night will continue the festivities with a performance of “Twelfth Night,” followed by Asia and Pacific Islands night with “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and a martial arts instructor.

Students can expect a Caribbean twist in “Romeo and Juliet” on Caribbean night and a performance of “The Taming of the Shrew” on African Night.

A banquet will end I-Week next Saturday at 7 p.m. in the BankUnited Center’s Hurricane 100 Room.

The banquet is open to all students. Tickets are on sale now for $10 in COISO’s office, UC 213, and will be sold at I-Week events.

Nicky Diaz may be contacted at


Monday- European Night, UC Patio, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday- Latin and Middle-Eastern Night, UC Patio, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday- Asia and Pacific Islands Night, UC Patio, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday- Caribbean Night, UC Patio, 6:30 p.m.
Friday- African Night, UC Patio, 6:30 p.m.
Saturday- Banquet, Hurricane 100 Room in the BankUnited Center, 7 p.m.