Delta Phi Epsilon sorority held its annual ‘Deepher Dudes’ this past week. Deepher Dudes raises thousands of dollars each year for children living with Cystic Fibrosis.
Cystic Fibrosis, also abbreviated CF, is a genetic disease that fills the lungs with mucus and affects the digestive system. Those living with CF are expected to only live to their late 30s and early 40s but thankfully research and the available funds for research have allowed for break through in therapy and other forms that help CF patients live more comfortably.
This year, Deepher Dudes was taken to a whole new level. Being “country” themed, the “dudes” of each participating fraternity saddled up for a three day event that consisted of coin wars in the breezeway, bull riding in the UC patio, capturing the flag in the IM fields and an auction and man pageant at the Rat.
The man pageant included a questionnaire pertaining to D PHI E facts and a talent portion where the gentlemen used their unique talent to win over the hearts of these ladies.
The fraternity with the highest score overall won a free mixer with Delta Phi Epsilon. Deepher Dudes raised over $6,200 this year. All of which will contribute to research that is actively working to find a cure.