For Homecoming 2009, time-honored traditions will mix with new additions that promise to “rock U like a hurricane.”
As part of the first day festivities, a masquerade ball – planned by freshmen and primarily geared towards them – will take place following the opening ceremony on Oct. 30. Although it emphasizes and encourages freshman attendance, it is open for all students.
According to Billy Fuchsman, chair of the 2009 Homecoming Executive Committee, the idea for the masquerade ball was born last year, but due to time and funding constraints, it was left for this year’s homecoming.
“We made the decision last spring and decided to leave the planning to a freshman committee,” Fuchsman said.
According to Mary Elizabeth Barron, one of the vice chairs for the 2009 Homecoming Executive Committee, this is the first time that a Homecoming event is planned solely by freshmen. The Freshman Committee worked closely with the Executive Committee to plan an event that would appeal to their class and make them feel involved in the Homecoming festivities.
“We wanted to get freshmen involved,” Barron said. “We wanted to attract them to Homecoming and have them get involved in an organization.”
“It’s a way for them to feel involved in an event they would want to do,” Fuchsman said.
Originally supposed to be held on the Bank United Center’s Field House, it has now been relocated to the Rathskeller.
“We decided it would be a better student venue,” Barron said.
The event starts at 10:30 p.m. and goes until 2 a.m. Food will be provided free of charge to attendees, but Cane Cards will be checked prior to admission.