88.2 F
Coral Gables
Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26 , 2024

Retain empathy after divisive year

The rhetoric that has surfaced over the course of the 2016 presidential race, primarily due to the vile, widely incoherent assertions made by Republican nominee Donald Trump, has integrated seamlessly...

Decisive win for Hillary, but continued uphill battle for women

Sept. 26 was a critical evening for the seemingly interminable 2016 presidential race, which, to the delight of world leaders and the American public alike, appears to be inching toward a cease-fire. ...

The Supreme Court, Roger Ailes and the decline of bipartisanship in America...

Involving young people in politics has been a major theme in the 2016 presidential race, likely due to the fact that so many young people are disillusioned with the political process. Their apathy is ...

War on Drugs exploits fear instead of truth

America has undergone a great deal of change since the 1970s, but one thing that has been slow to evolve is our perception of drug use. In 1971, Richard Nixon declared that drug abuse was “public enem...

Blind party politics will run country into ground

We live in a strange era of American politics when one’s ideological leanings are thought to reveal more about that person than any other singular characteristic. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” ha...

Meaningful change dependent upon our votes

The day is April 18, 1775. Dawn breaks over Lexington – and the American Revolution. Seven hundred British soldiers tramp through a township on the eastern coast of what soon will be United States t...

Intolerance furthered by our silence

Lately, I have been meditating on the meaning of words. I’m not talking about dictionaries and flashcards, but rather the silent, often profound implications that our words carry. When I first read...

Imperfection: nothing to feel sorry for

When I was little, I remember reading somewhere that “people don’t cause disappointment, expectations do.” I thought little of this at the time and hadn’t thought much of it for years a...

Not-so-sweet dating fumble sours mood

Dating is hard. You’ve heard people say it, you’ve been on bad dates yourself and you’ve watched your friends go on bad dates. Bad dates exist, and you will experience many in your life: this is a m...

Laundry room creates camaraderie, unique environment

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the laundry room. While I shuffle around carrying clothes and detergent, my mind often wanders to thoughts of home and family. During one of my last nights...

Mackenzie Karbon