76 F
Coral Gables
Monday, May 6, 2024
May 6 , 2024

Speak Up

Q: "If you could have any super power, what would it be?" Senior Guillermo Salinas: "To speed up time so I wouldn't have to sleep through all my classes." Freshman Brittaney Bartow: "To shoot li...

Speak Up

Q: "What would be your ideal Valentine's Day?" Sophomore Calvin Chen: "A day at the beach." Freshman Dagmara Danek: "I wouldn't know because I've never had a boyfriend." Sophomore Salvatore M...

Speak Up

Q: What would you do if you had a billion dollars? Sophomore Alex Saenz: "I'd probably give at least $500 million to charities, buy my mom a house and pay the rest of my education off." Sophomor...

Speak up

If you could be on any TV show, which one would you choose? Sophomore Max Terlecki: "'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.'" Sophomore Maggie Goldberg: "I want to be on the 'Real World!'" Junio...

SpeakUp: What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

SpeakUp: What would make the coolest theme for a party?

What would make the coolest theme for a party?

SpeakUp: What is your favorite midnight snack?

What is your favorite midnight snack?

The benefits of ‘frenemies’

n the media, female friendships often fall into two extreme categories: There are the happy-go-lucky, “BFF’s” of Sex and the City and the backstabbing bitches of Gossip Girl and The Hills. In reality, female friendship is filled with disagreement and embarrassing envy. No matter what, all of us have that one “frenemy” (the one we love to hate) in our life and there are different ways to deal with it.

SpeakUp: What was your favorite homecoming event?

What was your favorite homecoming event?

SpeakUp: How do you stay awake during boring classes?

How do you stay awake during boring classes?

Kyli Singh

Managing Editor