In less than a month, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the highly anticipated first part of a brand-new trilogy in the eminent space opera franchise, will premiere at theaters across the globe. The Nor...
More than 50 years ago, a young John Lewis stood in the crossroads of a divided America. Today, he stands as the incumbent U.S. Representative for Georgia’s fifth congressional district, making an app...
Broadway spectacles are typically hit-or-miss, and Sondheim’s productions are no exception. This is especially the case with "Saturday Night," one of Sondheim’s more obscure plays that debuted in the ...
Starting on Wednesday, the Department of Theatre Arts will show the acclaimed musical "Saturday Night" at the University of Miami’s Ring Theatre.
Being the third play of the theatre’s 2015-16 seaso...
In an effort to transform South Florida into an eco-friendly hub that promotes greener transportation methods, the University of Miami BikeSafe program is teaming up with the KiDZ Neuroscience Center ...
Following months of fierce and somewhat contentious political backlash and disagreements, the Democratic presidential candidates finally went head-to-head during Tuesday night’s debate, the first in a...
In recent years, the exploration of Mars has been an extremely hot topic in the scientific community. The successful launch and landing of NASA’s Curiosity Rover on the surface of the Red Planet r...
Round two of the race for the coveted 2016 Republican nomination kicked off Wednesday night, suitably enough, at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. Each of the Republican hopefuls w...
In early 2014, the Braman and Miller families joined forces in a philanthropic effort to transform the Jewish community at the University of Miami with a $2.5 million gift designated to UM Hillel. M...