88.2 F
Coral Gables
Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26 , 2024

UM’s response to COVID-19: The good, the bad and the uncertain

But as a university that’s tasked with emergency management quite frequently, the response from our school should have been better.

Unpaid internships perpetuate inequality

Having to choose between gaining experience and making money is not a decision students should be balancing in a society as advanced as ours.

We want you to vote in student government elections

The more we pour into student government, the more they pour back into us.

We should celebrate queerness this Valentine’s Day

The same way society prioritizes heterosexual and non-conforming relationships is the same way most universities, including our own, operate.

Why Black History Month still matters

In America’s white and evangelical haze, we can forget that Black History is American history, but Black Awareness Month, as we at UM call it, is here to make sure that we never forget.

On-campus housing needs to be more affordable

However, revamping and making the experience better will mean nothing if half of the students cannot afford it.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: An opportunity for service and relearning

So many times, we’ve seen questions like “What would MLK say or do if he were here today?” and these statements are often ahistorical because King has spoken about inequality of all kinds.

We need more reading days

We are calling on the school and administration to extend our reading days. In the past, we were given three full days, but since 2013, they have been cut down.

College in the U.S. will soon cost six figures. What do we do?

More people are going to college now than ever before, a result of an increasingly competitive job market that requires at least an undergraduate degree.

Homecoming 2019 a beautiful display of UM’s past, present and future

There is a bustle to campus that is a result of the changes students and administration have been making to make our school better.

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