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Thursday, May 2, 2024
May 2 , 2024

Edge presents: Best of Miami 2011

Best dessert, burgers, delivery, Mexican, pizza, weekday spot, happy hour, Asian and liquor store

Staff editorial: Gender discrimination still prevalent

In this generation, we tend to regard gender discrimination as an issue from the past, when women were prohibited from voting and were not allowed to enjoy the same rights as their male counterparts. Why are we so inclined to brush off the idea that gender stereotypes and barriers still prevail?

Letter to the Editor: Sea World isn’t a ‘cruel circus’

I have to admit that I once had the same opinion as columnist Natasha Tomchin in thinking that Sea World was some cruel circus for killer whales and dolphins, keeping them caged and breaking out the whip to make them do tricks on demand.

Letter to the Editor: Is Dear V worth it?

Dear Editor, Every time the Hurricane is published I am usually very impressed by the articles being produced by my student contemporaries. That feeling of pride lasts all the way up until I reach ...

Letter to the Editor: What defines masculinity?

Dear Editor, There have been many an occasion where I have rolled my eyes upon reading your Dear V column, however, this week’s contribution forced me to put fingers to keypad in sheer exasperation...

Staff Editorial 4/7

On April 29, the last call at the Rat will be the real deal. The new Student Activity Center has officially received funding, $20 million worth, and the Rathskeller as we know it is slated for demo...

Staff Editorial 4/4

In today's competitive world, the ability to focus has become a requisite for success.

Letter to the Editor: Ultrasound and abortion

Dear Editorial Board, If the issue over the Florida ultrasound bill comes down to the patient-doctor relationship and the right to privacy, we then have only one question to ask. How does showing a...

Think before you text while driving – A University of Miami student’s guide...

At least 30 states and Washington D.C. have passed laws banning text messaging while driving (typing electronic messages on a cell phone, known as “texting”).

Letter to the Editor: Relay for Life

“Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.” It is the battle cry of those who participate in Relay For Life all over the world. Reading the article in Monday’s issue prompted me to write what I felt about the Relay For Life of the University of Miami.

The Miami Hurricane

Student newspaper at the University of Miami