Campus was alive with student government tabling and outreach efforts this past week as competing tickets “Stand Forever” and “Elevate” raced to gather votes from the student body. After an exhaustive campaign, the latter ticket has claimed its victory.
On Thursday, Feb. 22, the victory was announced for newly elected officeholders Roy Carrilo Zamora as president, Joshua Abel as vice-president and Zoe Mutombo as treasurer.
The “Stand Together” ticket promoted initiatives that aim to advocate for student employees by creating a Student Employee Liaison and enrich the Greek Life experience by expanding dining options and addressing student needs during recruitment. Additionally, they would like to enhance transportation to campus by increasing student discounts on the metro fares.
Furthermore, “Stand Together” intends to assist organizations by bridging financing gaps in their budgets overlooked by the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee, ensuring they have ample financial resources to enhance their overall experience.
“I don’t think it has totally set in yet! Ever since hearing my name announced as next SG President, my mind has been going back to my first days on this campus,” Zamora said. “As I saw the Student Body President during orientation week, I remember thinking that would be a very cool position to have, but never did I at that point think it was ever in my future.”
Zamora’s initial priority involves establishing the Student Government Presidential Fund and having it running by the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.
The President-elect emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in his administration, with one of his goals being to create ‘Canes Town Hall, offering students an opportunity to directly speak to SG leadership.
Students are excited for the arrival of the new campus leadership, anticipating positive changes to address various issues.
“I feel confident that they will instill change for the better, and I am excited for what they plan to change. As a member of a few student organizations on campus, I also appreciate their focus on fairness in multiple aspects of these organizations and their relationship with the university,” junior marketing major Jack Norman said.
Among the University of Miami’s 290+ campus organization, the “Stand Forever” projects hold significance in its commitment to support them.
“I am very enthusiastic to see the changes that the newly elected SG, Stand Forever, will make to the University that will affect the smaller populations on campus, such as student clubs and greek life,” said Leah Nolan, junior nursing major.
The University of Miami has over 3000+ students spread across 26 fraternities and sororities. With the appointment of a Greek Life member as the Vice-President, members now have a platform where their voices are valued by administration
“As Student Body Vice President, my first initiative will be to collaborate with the centennial celebrations committee, ensuring that Student Government plays a pivotal role in organizing part of the centennial celebration festivities alongside other student organizations,” Abel said.
The newly elected officials aim to make sure that the perspectives of students are represented by incorporating students who will advocate for campus life.
“Zoe seems to be attacking the financial gaps within student organizations, I can get behind that,” junior finance major Simon Greenstein said.
During the fall semester, three newly elected Student Government officials will be sworn into their positions. But it is already clear that they are excited to start.
With his eyes on the upcoming year, Zamora aims to imprint on this campus a legacy and “leave a better University that will Stand Forever.”