Dear students,
The spring semester can sometimes feel like a sprint. With so many celebrations, commemorations and events, we may feel like we don’t know where our time went. By the time we get to the end, we forget about the transition that happens in so many of our student organizations. For Student Government, we are elected by you, to represent you. This makes the election process especially important for your engagement and involvement.
Voting is typically associated with politics, which has become so polarized and divisive. The difference in opinion has created animosity rather than curiosity and separation rather than unity. During our election time, I encourage you all to be open-minded, be willing to hear perspectives, and think critically about what is being said and why.
In my term as president, I have found the most joy in getting to interact with all of you. You have taught me that there is no typical UM student and that everyone here is unique and special. That notion should never be diminished. However, despite our individuality and our differences, we share the experience of being a Miami Hurricane. We all study in the Richter library, we all enjoy a nice afternoon at the Rat and we all root for our fellow Cane athletes each and every game or competition.
At the end of the day, we should all support one another because that is what Canes do. We are all students who are here because we believe this institution will offer us a holistic education where we are challenged in a variety of ways. It is in this season that we should truly embrace and try to understand the meaning of “Canes Care for Canes.”
So, I challenge you this election season to be engaged and to treat one another with the respect a fellow Cane deserves. Be comfortable disagreeing with people and seek common ground when you notice differences. Our university has a rich history of impactful student leadership. It is important that our student leader legacy be a culture of caring for each other and through our varying perspectives, identities and values, remaining united.
Emily Gossett
Student Government President