How to make, save money in college

The college years are notorious for being struggle years, the “brokest” in regards to expendable and non-expendable funds. This, coupled with an inability to get a full-time job due to busy schedules, can be disastrous. However, there are ways around it. Picking up part-time work and odd-jobs, combined with efficient budgeting, brings in a little extra pocket change (and keeps it there) while also being flexible to your schedule.

Keep reading for some helpful hints on making and saving money.

Sell things on Poshmark or Mercari

These are two reselling apps that are easy and quick to use. Instead of just throwing out old clothes, sell them. While you may not make a ton of money, some is better than none.

Get a paid internship/research opportunity

This option takes a bit more effort, but the rewards are worth it. Try talking to professors in a few of your favorite classes. These opportunities will make you money and be extremely beneficial to you and your career in the long run.

Become a tutor

On-campus tutoring is convenient and non time-consuming. If you are interested in applying, look up the Camner Center online. Another tutoring option is Chegg, which pays $20 an hour, but requires extra time to secure the position.

Babysit or pet-sit

Try or post on social media that you’re looking to for work in these fields. You never know who might need help.

Create a money-making blog

Blogs are no longer reserved for English or journalism majors. Your blog can be about anything from eating to gaming to fashion– that’s the easy part. In order for it to be monetarily worthwhile, you must find out how to monetize it. This will not be easy, but in the age of youtubers and social media influencers, it is definitely possible.

Get a part-time job, on or off-campus

The most obvious answer on the list, try becoming a part-time waitress, host or cashier, receptionist, etc.

Above all, learn how to manage money

Money management includes, but is not limited to,

  • Making a weekly budget
  • Creating an emergency fund for the unpredictables
  • Cutting out things like Postmates and unnecessary shopping trips. These seem small at the time, but they add up.
  • Being realistic about your expenses
  • Stopping using Uber or Lyft for places within walking distance

There are certain expenses in life that cannot be cut out, like like shelter, food and clothes. However, how much you spend and what specifically you spend it on (brand name vs. generic, necessity vs. leisure) is a choice.

Job options are plentiful, so you can find what you are passionate or curious about and not get bored doing the same thing. So, choose to spend your money wisely and remember if you find a job you love, you will never work a day in your life.