A letter originally drafted by several English professors addressing the post-election climate has now collected 502 interdepartmental signatures. Read our accompanying news story here.
To the University of Miami community,
We, the undersigned, are University of Miami faculty who stand against acts and words of hate and intimidation directed at any member of the University community in the aftermath of the US presidential election. Such acts and words violate the core values of this institution: diversity, integrity, responsibility, compassion, and teamwork. We are proud that our student body and the people who work at this university come from all over the United States and the world, speak many languages, are of many races, sexualities, and gender identities, and hold many faiths. This University is at the forefront of the science of climate change, and we live at a crossroads of many cultures. We welcome President Frenk’s Veterans Day affirmation of UM as an “exemplary university that fosters respectful dialogue on challenging topics in the quest to find truth and understand each other better.” We stand ready to defend the University and its community against acts and words that violate these core values and spread fear.
Before and after November 8 there have been numerous acts of hate and intimidation directed towards people of color, immigrants, people without papers, LGBT people, Muslims and Jews, people with disabilities, and women. We have heard political rhetoric that promotes an idea of American national identity from which many are permanently excluded. There has been disdain for the results of scientific research on climate change and the impact of sea-level rise on our region. As teachers and scholars, we stand for open inquiry, equal rights, and a livable planet; we condemn all acts of intolerance and anything that contributes to the creation of a “post-truth” world. Joining other faculty across the country, we pledge that our classrooms, labs, libraries, and offices will remain spaces where the targeting of anyone on the basis of race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and/or disability is unacceptable, that we will speak out against intolerance, and that we will do our very best to model and teach critical thinking.
We hope you will join us in making sure our campus remains a community of belonging, dedicated to the collective pursuit of new knowledge in a climate of mutual respect.
[su_column size=”1/3″]
Lilian Abbo, M.D.—Miller School of Medicine
Lauren Abern—Obstetrics & Gynecology
David Abraham—School of Law
Alexandre Abreu—Miller School of Medicine
Carlos Abril—Frost School of Music
Chantel Acevedo—English
Orlando Acevedo—Chemistry
Crystal Adams—Sociology
Soyeon Ahn—Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, College of Education and Human Development
David Ake—Musicology, Frost School of Music
Anthony V. Alfieri—School of Law
Joseph Alkana—English
Jafari Allen—Anthropology
Nelson Alvarez—Architecture
Roger Alvarez, DO—Medicine
Steve L. Alves—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Sharon Andrade-Bucknor—Miller School of Medicine
Debbie Anglade—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Traci Ardren–Anthropology
Bridget Christine Arce—Modern Languages & Literatures
Robin Bachin—History
Bruce Bagley—International Studies
Lisa Baker—UM Libraries
Sierra Bainter—Psychology
Wayne Balkan—Medicine
Shawn Banks—Anesthesiology
Candace Barbot—School of Communication
Grace Barnes—School of Communication
W. Brian Barrett—Finance
Ellen Barrett—Physiology & Biophysics
Susana Barroso-Fernandez—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Anthony Barthelemy—English
Jill Barton—School of Law
Mabel Basterrechea—Modern Languages & Literatures
Rich Beckman—School of Communication
Anabel Bejerano—Counseling Program, School of Education and Human Development
Linda Liska Belgrave—Sociology
Bruno Benedetti—Mathematics
Charles Bergeron—Frost School of Music
Michelle Berkovits—Pediatrics
Michael Bernath—History
Laura Bianchi—Physiology & Biophysics
Dina Birman—School of Education and Human Development
Darren Blaney—Theatre Arts / Women’s & Gender Studies
Merike Blofield—Political Science
Bonnie B. Blomberg—Miller School of Medicine
Chris Boardman—Frost School of Music
Lina Bofill—Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Jaswinder Bolina—English
Caroline Bradley—School of Law
Jomills Henry Braddock II–Sociology
Eva Silot Bravo—Modern Languages & Literatures
Ava Brillat—UM Libraries
James Britton—English
Kenny Broad—Abess Center for Ecosystem Science & Policy
Erin Brown—Journalism & Media Management
Stefanie Brown—Internal Medicine / Pediatrics
Hari Brundavanam—Medicine
Otávio Bueno—Philosophy
Lydia Buki—Educational and Psychological Studies
Melissa Burley—English
Gregory Bush—History
Michael Bush—Theatre Arts
Melvin L. Butler—Musicology
Steven Butterman—Modern Languages & Literatures
Patricia M Byers, MD—Miller School of Medicine
James Byrne—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Alberto Cairo—School of Communication
Dexter Callender—Religious Studies
Michael Campos—Miller School of Medicine
Aldo Pavon Canseco—Miller School of Medicine
Cristina Canton—Architecture
Margaret Cardillo—Cinema & Interactive Media
Robert Carnochan—Frost School of Music
Adam Carrico—Public Health Sciences
Luly Casares—Psychology
Devin Caserta—Art and Art History
Anita Cava—School of Business Administration
Wendy Cavendish—School of Education & Human Development
Thomas H. Champney—Cell Biology
Sandra Chaparro MD—Medicine
Juan Chattah—Frost School of Music
Sanjeev Chattejee—Cinema & Interactive Media/Journalism & Media Management
Sumita Dutt Chatterjee—History/Women’s and Gender Studies
Nirupa Chaudhari—Miller School of Medicine
Zoey Chen—School of Business Administration
Chei Hee Chua–Business
Elijah Chudnoff—Philosophy
Christina Civantos—Modern Languages & Literatures
Angela Clark—UM Libraries
Eugene Clasby—English
Joshua Coco—Master of Professional Science Program, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Don D. Coffman—Music Education
Donna Coker—School of Law
Kevin Collins—Biology
Logan Connors—Modern Languages & Literatures
Mary Coombs—School of Law
Charlton C. Copeland—School of Law
Caroline Mala Corbin—School of Law
Jaime Correa—Architecture
Fiorella Cotrina—Modern Languages & Literatures
Shawn Crouch—Frost School of Music
Anne Cruz—Modern Languages & Literatures
Holly Cukier—Neurology & Institute for Human Genomics
Jacquline Curbelo—Anesthesiology
Chris Curry—Obstetrics & Gynecology
Nitika Dabas—Miller School of Medicine
Gerhard Dahl—Physiology & Biophysics
Julia Dallman—Biology
Susan Dandes—Miller School of Medicine
Louise Davidson-Schmich—Political Science
Marvin P. Dawkins—Sociology
Andrew Dawson—School of Law
David Deehl—School of Law
Victor Deupi—Architecture
Paul Deveney—English
Heather Diack—Art and Art History
Viviana Díaz Balsera—Modern Languages & Literatures
Daniel DiResta—Biology
Don Donelson—School of Business Administration
Jeff Donnelly—American Studies
Rebecca Doran—Modern Langauges & Literatures
William Drennan—Ocean Sciences
June Teufel Dreyer—Political Science
Adrienne DuBois—Biology
Pamela Dudkiewicz—Hematology & Oncology
Victoria Orrego Dunleavy—Communication Studies
Michel Dupagne—Journalism & Media Management
Batya Elbaum—Teaching and Learning
Eduardo Elena—History
Jill Ehrenreich-May—Psychology
Karl Evans—Art and Art History
Scot Evans—Educational and Psychological Studies
Caleb Everett—Anthropology
Simon Evnine—Philosophy
Joan Martínez Evora—School of Business Administration
Clay Ewing—Cinema & Interactive Media
Ashley Falcon—School of Nursing
Jack W. Fell—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Zanita Fenton—School of Law
Juliana Fernandes—Strategic Communication
Veronica A. Fernandez—Psychology
Jason Ferrante—Frost School of Music
Tanira Ferreira, MD—Medicine
Margaret Donaghue Flavin—Frost School of Music
Michelle Fletcher—Obstetrics & Gynecology
Francesca Forrestal—Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Lauren Fralinger—UM Libraries
Donette Francis—English
Serena Francois—Biology
Mary Anne Franks—School of Law
Kathryn Freeman—English
A. Michael Froomkin—School of Law
Doug Fuller—Geography
John Funchion—English
M. Evelina Galang—English
Bonnie Galvez—School of Nursing
Joseph Ganitsky—School of Business Administration
Hannah Gardener—Miller School of Medicine
Karina Gattamorta—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Pamela Geller—Anthropology
Marc Gellman—Psychology
Adriane Gelpi–Miller School of Medicine
Xin Geng—Management
German Giese—Miller School of Medicine
Enrique Ginzburg—Surgery
Luis Glaser—College of Arts & Sciences
Peter Glynn—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences[/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/3″]
Krista Goff—History
Laura Gomez-Mera—Political Science
George Gonzalez–Political Science
Juan M Gonzalez—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Thomas Goodmann—English
Valerie Gramling—English
Elena Grau-Lleveria—Modern Languages & Literatures
Andrew Green—English
Henry Green—Religious Studies
Steven Green—Biology
Paul Groff—Biology
Stephen Guerra–Frost School of Music
Nicole Guerrero—School of Communication
Tracy Devine Guzmán—Modern Languages & Literatures
Marta Gierczyk—English/American Studies
Tassie Gwilliam—English
Toni Eyssallenne—Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Karl Gunther—History
Anthony Gyamfi—Miller School of Medicine
Christine M. Hagan—Management
Melissa Hale—Psychology
Neil Hammerschlag—Marine Ecosystems & Society
Pamela Hammons—English
Kaitlin Hanger—Art & Art History
Dennis Hansell—Ocean Sciences
Tyler Harrison—School of Communication
Beth Harry—Education and Human Development
Greg Hartley, PT, DPT—Physical Therapy
Christi Hayez—School of Business Administration
Keene Haywood—Abess Center for Ecosystem Science & Policy
Scott Heerman—History
Karen Henson—Musicology
Dalton Hesley—Marine Biology and Ecology
Andrea Heuson—School of Business Administration
Ralph Heyndels—Modern Languages & Literatures
Jennifer Hill—School of Law
Risto Hilpinen—Philosophy
Judy Hood—English
Mary Hooshmand—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Sallie Hughes—Journalism & Media Management
Anthony Hynes—Atmospheric Sciences
Elizabeth M. Iglesias—School of Law
Thomas Iglesias—Otolaryngology
David Ikard—English
Brendan Balcerak Jackson—Psychology
Magdalena Balcerak Jackson—Philosophy
Robert M. Jackson—Miller School of Medicine
William Jacobs—UM Libraries
Osamudia James—School of Law
Chris Janiszewski—School of Business Administration
Amanda Jensen-Doss—Psychology
Anito Joseph—Management Science
Angel Kaifer—Chemistry
Catherine Millas Kaiman—School of Law
Dorothea Kadarian—Miller School of Medicine
Trudy Kane—Frost School of Music
Roger Kanet—Political Science
Jill Kaplan—Psychology
Bryan Kaschube—Theatre Arts
Chryso P. Katsoufis—Miller School of Medicine
Lynne Katz—Psychology
Elizabeth S. Katzen—School of Business Administration
Joyce Kaufman—Surgery
Robert W. Keane—Physiology and Biophysics
Tim Kelly—Architecture
Karen Kennedy—Frost School of Music
Jeffrey Kerr—Management
Soyoon Kim—School of Communication
Lisa Dozier King—Theatre Arts
Mary Lou King—Cell Biology
David W. Kling—Religious Studies
Casey Klofstad—Political Science
Gregory Koger—Political Science
Laura Kohn-Wood—School of Education and Human Development
Katherine Komis—English
Alexis Koskan—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Villy Kourafalou—Ocean Sciences
Dana Krempels—Biology
Stefanie Krick—Medicine
Annette M. La Greca–Psychology
Mario Landera—Otolaryngology
Christina Lane—Cinema & Interactive Media
Juliano Laran—Marketing
Jeff Larson—Art & Art History
Peter Larsson—Physiology & Biophysics
Tamara Lave—School of Law
Debbiesiu Lee—Educational and Psychological Studies
Joycelyn Lee—Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Duba Barbara Leibell—Cinema and Interactive Media
Howard Lieberman—Surgery
Daniel J Liebl—Miller School of Medicine
Marni Lennon—School of Law
David Letson—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Jordan Levin—Journalism & Media Management
Peter Lewis—Philosophy
Mary Lindemann—History
Gary Lindsay—Frost School of Music
Sybil Lipschultz—History
Miriam Lipsky—School of Education and Human Development
Maria Llabre—Psychology
Adam Lloyd—Miller School of Medicine
J. Tomas Lopez—Art and Art History
Elizabeth Losin—Psychology
Jiangang Luo—Marine Ecology and Society
Peter Luykx—Biology
Billie Lynn—Art and Art History
Michelle Maldonado—Religious Studies
April Mann—English
Tommy Manuel—Architecture
Lillian Manzor—Modern Languages & Literatures
Gina Maranto—Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy
Louis Herns Marcelin—Anthropology
Esther Mathurin–School of Nursing and Health Studies
Eden R. Martin—Miller School of Medicine
Erika Marulanda-Londono, MD—Neurology
Adela D. Mattiazi—Miller School of Medicine
Anita Maurer—Miller School of Medicine
Brian McCabe—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Philip McCabe—Psychology
Patrick A. McCarthy—English
Douglas McCullough—Frost School of Music
Bradford R. McGuinn—Political Science
John W. McManus—Marine Biology & Ecology
Nathalie McNeil—Pediatrics
Anuj Mehrotra—School of Business Administration
Maite Mena—School of Education and Human Development
Liza Merly—Marine Biology & Ecology
Daniel Messinger—Psychology
Kelly Miller—UM Libraries
Michael Miller—History
Peter Minnett—Ocean Sciences
Mecker Moller—Surgery
Ramon Montero—Biomedical Engineering
Kimberly Sena Moore—Frost School of Music
Steven Moore—Frost School of Music
Lenny Moreno—Art & Art History
Paige Morgan—UM Libraries
Susan E. Morgan—School of Communication
Michael Mueller—Internal Medicine
Karl Muench—Miller School of Medicine
Jessica Wendorf Muhamad—Public Health Sciences
Ken Muller—Physiology & Biophysics
Peter Muller—Geography
Brenna Munro—English
Tom Musca—Cinema & Interactive Media
Nicholas Namias—Miller School of Medicine
Linda L. Neider—Management
Maria L Negrin—Modern Languages & Literatures
Martin Nesvig—History
Holly Neville—Surgery
Joel Nickels—English
MarieGuerda Nicolas—School of Education and Human Development
Amy L. Nielsen—Sociology
Anne E. Norris—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Italo Novoa—Miller School of Medicine
Ashmeet Oberoi—School of Education and Human Development
Donald Oglesby—Frost School of Music
M. Josefina Olascoaaga—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Elizabeth Oldman—English
Kristine O’Phelan MD—Miller School of Medicine
Leigh Osofsky—School of Law
Martha Otis—English
Claire Oueslati-Porter—Women’s and Gender Studies
J. Bryan Page—Anthropology
Frank Palmeri—English
Maria Gracia Pardo—Modern Languages & Literatures
Joseph Parent—Political Science
Claire Paris—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences[/su_column]
[su_column size=”1/3″]
Kunal Parker—School of Law
Maria Pattany—Psychology
David Pegel—Frost School of Music
Shara Pelz—School of Law
Willy Perez-Feria—Frost School of Music
Gema Pérez Sánchez—Modern Languages & Literatures
Alexandra Perisic—Modern Languages & Literatures
Natalie Perlin—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Renellys Perez—Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies
William J. Pestle—Anthropology
Samantha Phillips—English
Roxane Pickens—English
Costantino Pischedda—Political Science
Regine Placide—School of Nursing & Health Studies
Giovanna Pompele—Women’s and Gender Studies
David T. Poole—Dean’s Office, College of Engineering
Ileana Porras—School of Law
Paul Posnak—Frost School of Music
Shawn Post—School of Education and Human Development
Brian Powell—Music Education
Rachida Primov—Modern Languages & Literatures
Gerd Daniel Pust—Surgery
Andrew Quartin—Miller School of Medicine
Catalina Quesada-Gómez—Modern Languages & Literatures
Frank Ragsdale—Frost School of Music
Jyotika Ramaprasad—Journalism and Media Management
Kate Ramsey—History
Rishi Rattan—Surgery
Robynne Redmon—Vocal Performance
Jay Rees—Frost School of Music
Kate Reid–Frost School of Music
Pamela Reid—Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Dominique K. Reill—History
Elvira Maria Restrepo—Geography
Jill Richardson—Marine Ecosystems & Society
Alina R. Riesgo—Pediatrics
Terri Robar—UM Libraries
Gretel Rodríguez—Anthropology
Zevensuyy Rodriguez—Cinema and Interactive Media
Rayner Rodriguez Diaz—Miller School of Medicine
Sarahi Rodriguez-Perez—Miller School of Medicine
Claudia P Rojas—Pathology
Jose E. (Logi) Romero-Simpson—School of Business Administration
Stephen Roper—Physiology & Biophysics
Daniel Roose—UM LIbraries
Robert Rosen—School of Law
Jessica Rosenberg—English
Manny Rossi—Modern Languages & Literatures
Michelle Roy—Art & Art History
Shouraseni Sen Roy—Geography
Armando Rubi III—Communications
Alejandro Ruelas-Gossi—Business
Gabriel Ruiz MD, FACS—Miller School of Medicine
Steven Safren—Psychology
Dana Salminen—Frost School of Music
Adina Sanchez-Garcia—English
Gilda Santana—UM Libraries
Daniel Santisteban—School of Education and Human Development
Stephen Sapp—Religious Studies
Patricia Saunders—English
Terri A. Scandura—School of Business Administration
Allison Schifani—Modern Languages & Literatures
Dr. Christian A.I. Schlaerth—Sociology
Neil Schneiderman—Psychology
Chester A. Schriesheim—Management
Joshua Schriftman—English
Carl I Schulman—Miller School of Medicine
Ivonne Schulman—Miller School of Medicine
Deborah Schwartz-Kätes—Frost School of Music
William Scott—Human Genetics
Kathleen Sullivan Sealey—Biology
Christopher Searcy—Biology
William Searcy—Biology
Maureen Seaton—English
Max Seiter, MD—Orthopedics
Sabrina Sembiante—School of Education and Human Development
Mark Shapiro—Business
Tiffany Shinbach—Modern Languages & Literatures
Harvey Siegel—Philosophy
Elizabeth Simpson—Psychology
Elton Skendaj—Political Science
Beatrice Skokan—UM Libraries
Isaac Skromne—Biology
Waleed Sneji—Miller School of Medicine
Rebecca Sharpless—School of Law
Byron Smith—Physical Therapy
Tim Smith—Frost School of Music
William C. Smith—Political Science
Waleed Sneij—Internal Medicine
Jan Sokol-Katz—Sociology
Pablo Souki—Theatre Arts
Jaimee Spector–School of Communication
Donald Spivey—History
Sarah M. St. George—Public Health Sciences
Randy Stano—Journalism and Media Management
David L. Steinberg—Communication Studies
Leonel Sternberg—Biology
Irwin Stotzky—School of Law
Frank Stringfellow—English
Daniel Suman—Marine Ecosystems & Society
Mihoko Suzuki—English
Brent Swanson—Musicology
Jay Sylvestre—UM Libraries
Stephen Symes—Miller School of Medicine
Saneya H. Tawfik–Psychology
Ed Talavera—Cinema and Interactive Media
Fred Telischi—Chair of Otolaryngology
M Lewis Temares—College of Engineering
Samuel Terilli—Journalism & Media Management
Hugh Thomas—History
Lindsay Thomas—English
Amie Thomasson—Philosophy
Annette Torres—School of Law
Kathryn Tosney—Biology
Michael Touchton–Political Science
Claudia Townsend—Marketing
Lien Tran—Cinema and Interactive Media
Nikki Traylor-Knowles—Marine Biology & Ecology
Boriana Treadwell—Journalism & Media Management
Robert Treadwell—Journalism & Media Management
Craig J. Trocino—School of Law
Sunny Tsai—Strategic Communication
Martin Tsang—UM Libraries
Giovanni Turner—English
Lucina Uddin—Psychology
Stephen K. Urice—School of Law
J. Albert C. Uy—Biology
Floria M-K Uy—Biology
Francisco Valdes—School of Law
Brian D. Valencia—Theatre Arts
John R. Van Beekum—Art and Art History
John C. Van Leer—Ocean Sciences
Albert Varon—Anesthesiology
Dina K. Varon—Surgery
Pedro Villarreal—School of Education and Human Development
Jim Virga—Cinema & Interactive Media
Kurt Voss-Hoynes—English
Tsitsi D. Wakhisi—School of Communication
Robyn Faith Walsh—Religious Studies
Yunqiu (Daniel) Wang—Biology
Trent Watkins—Frost School of Music
Tim Watson—English
Robert Weiner—Frost School of Music
Richard S. Weisman—Pediatrics
Deborah Jones Weiss—Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Jonathan West—Political Science
Lisa Wheeler—UM Libraries
Ashli White—History
Barbara Whitlock—Biology
Athula Wikramanayake—Biology
Kira Willig—School of Law
N. David Williams—Theatre Arts
Eiko Isogai Williams—Modern Languages & Literatures
Elliot Williams—UM Libraries
Mari Williams—Modern Languages & Literatures
Nan Yang—Management
Dileep R. Yavagal, MD—Neurology
Tian Ying—Frost School of Music
George Yudice—Modern Languages & Literatures
Tallys Yunes—Management Science
Karen C. Young—Miller School of Medicine
Tanya L. Zakrison—Department of Surgery
Stephen F Zdzinski—Music Education
Gecheng Zha—Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Markus Zisselsberger—Modern Langagues & Literatures
Cengiz Zopluoglu—School of Education and Human Development[/su_column]