President-elect Donald Trump began his first week as president-elect with a meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Nov. 10 to ensure a smooth transition of power. While in Washington, Trump met with members of Congress, including Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in an effort to appear as a united Republican Party.
Most recently, Trump announced his choices for Chief of Staff, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus, and Counselor to the President, American businessman and executive chairman of Breitbart News, Steve Bannon.
Bannon has identified Breitbart as “an alt-right network.” According to the Associated Press, the alt-right movement revolves around an ideology “often associated with efforts on the far right to preserve ‘white identity,’ oppose multiculturalism and defend ‘Western values.’” The media network has come under scrutiny by some for allegedly encompassing white nationalist ideologies.
Now that Trump has become president-elect, the focus of his efforts has changed from aggressively campaigning through battleground states like Florida to transitioning into being the nation’s leader. Along with the transition of power comes the implementation of his policy plans — outlined in his “100-day action plan to Make America Great Again” posted on his website.
The first 100 days of a new president in office, which start on the day he is inaugurated in January, are traditionally seen as a small sample of what is to come from the president and his administration for the next four years. Typically, presidents can get many bills and laws passed by the time they reach their 101st day in office.
Most presidents initiate a movement toward accomplishing some of the campaign promises they made to voters prior to inauguration. By the time President Barack Obama reached his 101st day, he had signed a $700 billion stimulus bill, fulfilling his promise to cut taxes for working class families.
For Trump, the first day of his presidency will begin with his administration vying to impose proposals and measures under the following three focal areas: cleaning up Washington’s “corruption and special interest collusion,” protecting American workers and “restoring security and the constitutional rule of law.” Some actions to be taken on the first day include imposing “a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections” and begin the process of selecting late Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court.
After his first day in office, Trump has outlined plans to pass more complex legislation with the help of Congress, including repealing the Affordable Care Act and implementing the American Energy and Infrastructure Act.
Here’s a guide to break down the main points of future President Trump’s plans in office.
Constitutional Amendment imposing term limits on all members of Congress
One of Trump’s promises throughout his campaign was that he would “drain the swamp” of politicians who have worked in Washington for years. Clinton was a Washington insider and considered the model of a “party establishment figure.”
Throughout the Republican primaries, presidential debates and rallies, Trump would use Clinton’s decades-long experience against her, calling her “corrupt” on multiple occasions. He campaigned as an anti-establishment figure, a Washington outsider. Trump’s plan to impose term limits on all members of Congress is a campaign promise.
Currently, members of the House of Representatives are up for reelection every two years. Senators can run for reelection every six years. However, how many terms a member serves is up to the voters. There are no term limits. Members of Congress can spend decades representing their states if they win their reelection campaigns. Although this proposal is high on Trump’s list, McConnell, who has been serving in Congress since 1984, said “it will not be on the agenda in the Senate.”
Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act
Since its creation, the Affordable Care Act, also known as ‘Obamacare’, has been on the Republican party’s agenda to abolish. The act’s main goal is to provide health insurance coverage to those who cannot afford it. To date, it is the most extensive change made to the U.S. Healthcare system. Since then, Republicans vying for the seats in the House and Senate have run with the promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. In 2012, Republican candidate Mitt Romney campaigned heavily on the promise to do so as well. In 2016, Trump did so too.
Since 2010, legislation has successfully passed multiple times through both the House and Senate to repeal the act, only to end up being vetoed by the president. Repealing and replacing the act is high on the priority list of the Republican agenda. With Republicans controlling the legislative and executive branch of government, associate professor in political science Gregory Koger said repealing Obamacare is “realistic in the sense that they can do it.” However, replacing it will prove to be more difficult.
“The House has to come up with a comprehensive substitute for Obamacare,” Koger said. “We don’t know what that replacement is or what it will look like. They are completely capable of changing the law and replacing Obamacare; they don’t know what they want to replace it with.”
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Trump said he’d consider keeping some provisions from the act, including prohibiting insurers from denying coverage because of a patient’s preexisting conditions and allowing children to stay on their parent’s health insurance longer.
American Energy and Infrastructure Act
In an attempt to boost the economy and prosperity of the country, Trump has promised to initiate one trillion dollars in “infrastructure investment.” This means the government would invest in improving the country’s transportation, sewage, water or electric systems. According to Trump, infrastructure investment is needed to “fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals.”
The president-elect has also said it would boost the nation’s job growth because more people would be working on those projects.
President Obama, along with other Democrats, has been in favor of infrastructure spending but has faced opposition from Republicans in Congress. According to Koger, who teaches an American presidency course, with Trump as president, investments in infrastructure are realistic.
“He has a real chance to move forward. The main challenge is trying to figure out how they’re going to pay for all the infrastructure spending; some Republicans may oppose that,” Koger said. “The percentage of legislators who like infrastructure spending is pretty high, but once you figure out how to pay for it, there’s potential for controversy.”
House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, has said she is open to working with the Trump administration to pass “a robust infrastructure jobs bill.”
Trump’s complete 100-day plan can be found here.