As the fall semester reaches its midpoint, seats for the senate board of Student Government are open. Elections for new senators will take place from Monday to Wednesday, when students can vote for who they feel will represent their best interests.
With 27 seats open, numerous representatives of houses, classes and colleges will be running to help serve their constituents. Leading up to the elections, the candidates are using various methods to reach out to their voters and raise awareness of themselves and their proposed policies.
On social media, faces of candidates are abuzz. Candidates have handed out fliers, sent emails to different Listservs and spoken in organizational meetings to publicize themselves.
Students can also vote on a referenda proposed by Distraction Magazine and the Ibis Yearbook. The proposal states that the Student Activity Fee be raised by $1 each, with the proceeds going to their respective organizations.
“We decided to go out for referendum because we believe the yearbook is such an important staple on campus,” said Emily Eidelman, the editor-in-chief of the Ibis Yearbook. “The small raise in the student activities portion of tuition will go such a long way for us. We document the history of the year for students 50, even 100 years from now to look back on. With the help of current students, we can keep our tradition of the book going for years to come.”
For the last elections in the spring semester, 30 percent of students voted with a total of 2,934 votes. This was 1,000 votes more than the previous election.
How to Vote
Sept. 28-29: Voting will be open on OrgSync from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sept.30: Voting will be open from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. on OrgSync.
The Breezeway will also have a voting station for students to vote from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Wednesday.
Students can vote on any device that has access to the OrgSync website.
Students running for election
Adrian Nunez Commuters
Alex Underwood School of Architecture
Ali Shaikh Stanford
Amber Williams School of Nursing
Andrew Weinstock Sophomore Class
Arthur Faria Business School
Charlotte Gerrity Senior Class
Christina Valin Mahoney
Curtis Mitchell Mahoney
David Mejia Commuters
Emeline Savidge Junior Class
Felicitas Amor Ibis Yearbook
Hannah Abel University Village
Hannah Kenny Commuters
Henson Destine Sophomore Class
Irvenie Latortue Arts & Sciences
Jackie Safstrom Commuters
Jacky Wohn Sophomore Class
Jacob Rudolph Arts & Sciences
Joe Buzzetti Arts & Sciences
Josh Zuchniarz Arts & Sciences
Kendall Eisenberg Distraction
Kiera Parrish University Village
Kristin Cilluffo Junior Class
Matt Carmen Fraternity Row
Melissa Wyatt Senior Class
Meredith Morris Freshman Class
Mykhaylo Senkiv Junior Class
Natasha Jansen Commuters
Reshav Mehtani Arts & Sciences
Revanth Boda Pearson
Ryan Donahue Hecht
Sandeep Dhirya School of Education
Sarah Betancourt Commuters
Shiyi Liu Freshman Class
Zahra Markatia Mahoney