You may have noticed the copious amounts of red-packaged candy on sale at Publix, or seen an ad for the annual fraternity singing valentines, or fought your way through swarms of heart-shaped balloons in CVS, and realized that can only mean one thing. Valentine’s Day is coming. You might be excited, because it’s a chance to spend time with your significant other or connect with a crush.
Or you might be single and dreading the holiday altogether.
It’s easy to feel left out on Valentine’s Day if you’re single, but couples aren’t the only ones who can have fun on the fourteenth. Check out The Miami Hurricane’s list of great activities for singles to try out this V-Day
Enjoy the sales
Since many stores have Valentine’s Day sales, take the day to do some shopping. Money can’t buy love, but shopping can make you feel pretty awesome in the meantime. When you’re done at the mall, satisfy your sweet tooth with the sales on candy and sweets. If couples are buying each other chocolate-covered strawberries, who’s to say you can’t do the same?
Try out some fun “date” activities
Just because you’re flying solo doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a day out. Take advantage of Miami’s location and gorgeous weather and hit the beach. Or go to an art museum, like the Perez, which just opened up downtown. This can actually be more fun solo or with artsy friends, because you can spend time on what you’re interested in without trying to impress someone. For a fresh nature feel, check out a local zoo or aquarium – because animals need love, too.
Keep things festive and sweet
To really make the day seem like a holiday, hit the kitchen and whip up some sweet treats. Baking is a fantastic way to break out of a usual routine and get your creativity flowing. Of course, eating your masterpiece will only contribute to the feeling of celebration.
Plan an event with friends
Nobody said that singles have to be lonely. Round up some buddies and go out to dinner, head to the bowling alley, or stay in and watch movies. You can even throw an anti-Valentine’s Day party. Without hating on the couples enjoying the holiday, celebrate your independence with other singles and dance the night away. Spending time with friends is a great way to unwind and celebrate without feeling any romantic pressure.
Focus on yourself
Release some good-feeling endorphins by getting some exercise. Attend a fitness class, go for a run, do yoga, lift, or do whatever fits your fancy. Or have a spa day and pamper yourself. Get mani-pedis, give yourself a facial, break out the cucumber slices or do whatever else makes you feel refreshed. Worry about only what makes you feel good.
Family first
Remember the ones who love you more than anyone, and take the time to Skype or call your family. With everyone’s busy schedules, who knows when you’ll have the chance to do so again?