Well, that was a nice and long break. We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Welcome to the December edition of the monthly Student Government column. I’ll be wrapping up the semester and talking about a few things to keep an eye out for next semester.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), we’ve reached the end of the semester, and that means it is time for finals. Fear not, for SG is here to help. On Dec. 12, we will be holding the SG Study Break. From 6:30 to 7:15 p.m., there will be yoga on the Foote Green and at 7:15 p.m. we will have stress relieving activities and free food.
Looking toward next semester, we have a few really exciting things going on. At the beginning of the semester (Jan. 17 to be exact), SG and Canes Night Live are partnering to bring you Canes After Dark – Spring Kickoff. Like previous Canes After Dark events, it will be a lot of fun with tons of activities. We’re going to have live performances as well, so if you have a talent or skill you’d like to show off, shoot an email over to d.lorenzo4@umiami.edu and let us know what you can do.
Next semester also brings with it a new application cycle for Design-a-Course. This program gives students the opportunity to come up with a curriculum and teach a class in something that they are interested in. To give you an idea, last year there was a class about navigating the medical school application process. Getting a class approved takes some time, though, so it is important to start early. Keep an eye out early next semester for details.
Student Government elections will also take place next semester. Students can run for various Senate seats, as well as for president, vice president and treasurer. Filing begins Jan. 13 at 8 a.m., and more information will be made available on the Elections Commission OrgSync page. If you are interested in helping out with elections, applications to be an Elections Commissioner are currently available on the “Get Involved” tab on miami.edu/sg.
Good luck with finals, have a great winter break and don’t forget to turn off your electronics before you leave.
Adam Orshan is a senior majoring in international finance and marketing.