“Flame and Citron” -Denmark – available on Netflix instant watch and Amazon Prime
By showcasing the efforts of two Danish resistance assassins who risked their lives to sabotage the Nazi occupation of Denmark, Flame and Citron elegantly reverses the typical WWII movie in this action drama based on true events.
With short, expertly-timed breathing moments, the intense two hour drama is not easy to assimilate, yet for the same reason it is a worthwhile experience. Instead of gratuitous blood-shed, the isolated bursts of violence serve a purpose: to show that this wasn’t a sleek, sexy job à la 007. No, it was a messy one – one that interfered with their personal lives, and distorted the images they had of themselves.
Despite their determination to eliminate strategic Nazis, Flame and Citron, as the two assassins are affectionately called by their fans, constantly rely on their conscience to judge situations, instead of following orders.
It is their confusion in crisis moments that renders them human and makes the audience empathize with their cause.
Dramatic music would be too warm for such a terrible time – instead the occasional violins are minimalistic, used only to enhance the suspense. This holding back allows the sound effects – chilling gun shots, skidding get-away-car tires – to do their job.
The sound most effective at triggering emotion however is Flame’s narrating voice throughout. Instead of wishy-washy, his crisp Danish words are the backbone of the movie – the link between audience and character. And with its poetic resonance, the narration complements the dialogue, which is as edgy as the storyline.