Studying can be done almost anywhere: in a bedroom, in a closet, at the beach or a bar.
With 10,509 students at the University of Miami, students are bound to get creative when finding and choosing their best study spots.
Junior Danielle Bouquio, an employee at the Tavern Bar in Coconut Grove, studies at the bar and finds Tavern convenient. Junior Jacqueline Rangel joins Bouquio at the bar to study as well. The two find it a nice way to study together in a lively environment.
“Well since I work there, I control the music that is playing, so I can put on whatever I want,” Bouquio said. “There is a lot of space on the bar to spread things out. The customers that are there during the day are always encouraging me to keep up with my studies.”
Others, like senior Hadley Manfredi, prefer a more secluded study location. She finds it too chaotic to study on campus, so she turns to her closet for study serenity.
“My closet at school is pretty big, but not big enough for someone to come sit in there and bother me while I study,” Manfredi said. “When I go in there, there aren’t any windows for me to be wishing I was outside and enjoying some quality sun and tanning time.”
Junior Amanda Sahley, however, rejects quiet locations. She studies with screaming music in her ears. The severity of the music helps her concentrate by blocking everything else.
“I like singing while listening,” she said. “I sometimes associate songs with topics when I’m taking a test in my memory.”
But for some students, studying is coupled with other activities like exercise.
The Wellness Center can serve as an ideal study location for these multitaskers. In an effort to maximize her time, junior Nabila Bader, studies while running on the treadmill.
“Well I usually read and study on the treadmill because I feel like while I’m working out and waiting for the time to pass,” she said. “I’m not focusing on the exercise and more on what I’m reading, so it makes the exercise not so dreadful.”
The efficiency and convenience of studying while working out is also a great method to keep your mind and body healthy, Bader said.
Of course, with the glistening, Miami sun and clear blue skies, some students feel it is a sin to study inside.
Sophomore Puck Readers, an undeclared pre-med major, utilizes any time she has to take a trip to the beach to study.
“The reason why I like to study on the beach is because it relaxes me while studying, so I learn quicker,” she said. “I like to climb up in a big tree to get away from things and read my assigned readings. I hate libraries because I always see people I know, and I feel like I can’t take little breaks like taking a nap or going for a swim.”