The Democratic and Republican National Conventions are more than quadrennial cheer fests where each party’s presidential candidate officially accepts his or her nomination.
The conventions give each party the chance to showcase why its agenda is the best choice for America. Expectedly, each party only speaks highly of itself, meanwhile mudslinging the opposing party – unbiased truths are fallacies at best.
However, each party may use its respective convention to define its image heading into the election season, and the Democrats did the job of painting themselves in a favorable light among the average American this year. By utilizing an array of diverse speakers, the Democrats marketed themselves to the greater American public better than the Republicans.
The Republicans did not put together a diverse display of keynote speakers. The First Lady of Puerto Rico, Luce Vela Fortuna, introduced Ann Romney before her speech and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio introduced Mitt Romney before his address, but the Republicans largely failed to deliver speakers and speeches that would resonate well with middle-class Americans.
To his credit, Gov. Chris Christie, a man known for his bold and fearless public speaking, tried to connect to the greater public through his tale of a humble beginnings as he was born to a low income and hardworking, Irish father and Sicilian mother. But, Christie’s address was regarded by many as a self-serving and self-promoting monologue that did not speak to the greater Republican Party’s commonality or the subsequent dedication to the average American.
Ann Romney was also a bit off-key in her address. Earlier this year she was criticized for being out of touch with reality when she said that she and Romney had to sell stocks in college to “make ends meet.”
Rather than attempt to enhance her favorability with a public that seemingly regards her as a housewife who does not understand the hardworking American’s story, Mrs.Romney opted to play to her housewife status and speak of the love she shares with her husband and family as pictures of them filled the screen behind her.
The Democrat speakers did their job in reaching out to a diverse American public. San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro reached out to immigrants as he spoke of being from a grandmother who held menial jobs in order to give her daughter a better life.
First Lady Michelle Obama, spoke well about education, healthcare and jobs which resonated with the majority of middle class individuals and families. Former President Bill Clinton responded directly to Paul Ryan’s accusation of the Democrats silence about their record as Clinton spoke of how the Democrats are responsible for 18 million more American jobs than Republicans over the past 52 years.
Perhaps, strategically, more non-white elderly attendees were caught by cameras throughout the DNC than the RNC.
With election day around the corner, the Republican Party did not do a good job omarketing themselves to a diverse American population.
Christopher Ivory is a second year law student.