In college there are two kinds of students: those who worry about their future after they party, and those who worry about their future while they party.
Despite the party culture surrounding it, college is supposed to be a balance of trying to get decent grades and prepare for the real world, but also meet new people and have the time of their lives.
Students who have realized this are one step ahead of the game. These students go out often, but have managed to earn a good GPA, learn leadership skills in extracurricular activities, create relationships with professors, and focus on their futures.
Many students make the mistake of slacking off. As the year comes to an end, you should be able to proudly reminisce on your progress throughout the year. If the year is just a blur of stumbling into your dorm room after a crazy night of bar hopping and house music, you hopefully have another year of college to make up for it.
The first thing you can do to better prepare for your future is to talk to your professors. They are your friends, not your enemies. Students should begin building relationships early on in the semester and keep in touch throughout the year, especially because professors have connections that can get students internships or entry-level positions.
Although professors are a key component to real-world success, it doesn’t stop there. Internships are vital to achieving that dream job, but those opportunities are not going to magically appear – students have to find them.
Not to mention, on-campus experiences matter just as much. Leadership positions within student organizations, especially those which focus on practical skills applicable to your career choice, are respected.
These are the factors that separate the extraordinary students from the average students. No one wants his or her resume, portfolio or graduate school application to be tossed into the mediocre pile. Therefore, do something in college to stand out, not fit in.
While the future may seem far away, four years roll by quickly. By senior year, students start panicking about not being ready to face the real world when they have had ample time to do so. Students should take advantage of opportunities as they become available.
Don’t wait until two weeks before graduation to get it together. College is not the end of your life, it is just the beginning. You can put the partying on hold, but your future isn’t going to wait for you to be ready.
Editorials represent the majority view of The Miami Hurricane editorial board.