Maria Francis, junior, Nikita Gurudas, junior, Chhaya Nene, senior, and Mike Acosta, senior, give Jack Daniels, J.D., gets his free dog wash on the Rock on Sunday as part of Link's service project. J.D. is the three year old dog of Link chair Acosta, "The dog wash is free, but we are raising money for our Relay for Life team." Link will be one of many groups that will be participating in Relay for Life next Saturday to help raise money for cancer research. Cayla Nimmo//Assistant Photo Editor
Maria Francis, junior, Nikita Gurudas, junior, Chhaya Nene, senior, and Mike Acosta, senior, give Jack Daniels, J.D., gets his free dog wash on the Rock on Sunday as part of Link's service project. J.D. is the three year old dog of Link chair Acosta, "The dog wash is free, but we are raising money for our Relay for Life team." Link will be one of many groups that will be participating in Relay for Life next Saturday to help raise money for cancer research. Cayla Nimmo//Assistant Photo Editor