RA Selection
Students interested in developing leadership skills and programming for groups should consider becoming a residential assistant (RA).
To qualify, complete the online application by Nov. 30 for spring 2012 openings and Jan. 22 for fall 2012. Applicants are required to attend an information session at one of the residential colleges.
Group interviews and recommendations are also required. Candidates will be notified on Dec. 9 for spring 2012 and Feb. 24 for 2012-2013.
For more information, visit miami.edu/housing or email reslife@miami.edu.
AF Selection
Applications are available for students interested in becoming academic fellows (AF).
AFs guide first-year students in learning to manage academic responsibilities and take advantage of the resources offered on campus. Over the course of a year, AFs work 10 to 12 hours weekly, coordinate programs and hold office hours. There will be 26 positions available across Hecht, Stanford, Mahoney and Pearson Residential Colleges.
Applications are available Nov. 28 and are due Jan. 27. Candidates will be notified on Feb. 24. For more information, email hechtadvising@miami.edu.
Talent Show
To mark the end of the first ever Diversity Week, a student cultural talent show featuring dance, song and spoken word will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. on the UC patio. The event is hosted by the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and Unity Roundtable.
Leadership retreat
On Saturday, the Diversity Leadership Retreat will give an opportunity to discuss diversity and its impact.
Other events include student and faculty networking, several workshops and a keynote speaker. Registration at the UC begins at 9:30 a.m. Topics range from hip hop to social activism and leadership in a multicultural environment. For more information, email the Butler Center at leadandserve@miami.edu.
Dance Marathon
Dance the night away and support a good cause along the way. Dance Marathon is a philanthropic event, which will help provide financial and emotional support to families and children of Miami Children’s Hospital, part of the Children’s Miracle Network.
The 2011 marathon will take place in the Wellness Center from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Online donations are accepted at helpmakemiracles.org. The goal is to collect $10,000.
For more information, email club president Alejandro Rengifo at a.rengifo@umiami.edu.
The Frost School of Music and the Department of Vocal Performance present Visions of Orpheus.
There will be three shows at Clarke Recital Hall in the L. Austin Weeks Center for Recording and Performance from Thursday to Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and another show at 3 p.m. on Sunday.
Admission is free and tickets can be reserved online. For more information, visit miami.edu/frost/index.php/frost/frost_events/.
Ben & Jerry’s
Co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Jerry Greenfield, is having a talk at the BankUnited Center on Nov. 30 at 7 p.m.
He will discuss his success and the business’ focus on creative approaches and social responsibility.
A Cane Card is required for entrance. Hurricane Productions will host the event. For more information, visit hurricaneproductions.org.
Alexander Gonzalez may be contacted at agonzalez@themiamihurricane.com.