Fellow Canes,
Let me be one of the first to welcome you to the University of Miami. You are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime and there is no place better to do that than here at the U.
The University of Miami is unique. We have the feeling of an intimate campus, yet we are only 15 minutes away from one of the most robust, diverse cities in the country. We’ve risen almost 20 spots in the college rankings in the past 10 years — an unprecedented rise — and we don’t plan to stop any time soon. Not only do Canes excel in the classroom, but there are countless opportunities to excel in the community and athletically. The U has a legacy and tradition of success, and now you are a part of it. Now is the time for you to start making your own legacy at the University of Miami.
Your first few weeks are going to be packed with excitement and a ton of things to do. Go to Canefest! There, you can check out the hundreds of student organizations you can be a part of. Visit the newly expanded Wellness Center — one of the best wellness facilities in the country. Go to Sunset Place and Coconut Grove and explore the “City Beautiful,” Coral Gables, that surrounds our campus. And, of course, your first football game as a Hurricane is Sept. 17 against one of our biggest rivals, Ohio State. Will U be there?
Lastly, I want to remind you that Student Government is here for you! That free laundry you’ll learn to love in the residential colleges? Student Government. The Farmers Market every Wednesday by the library and the ICEE Machine in the C-Store? Both came from Student Government. Everything Student Government does is for the students and for the U. So if you ever have any questions, problems or ideas, we’re here. Never hesitate to email me at b.mitchell@umiami.edu or to just stop by to chat in UC214.
Congratulations again and most importantly, remember that whatever you do over the next four years, whatever career you enter and wherever your life takes you, you are now and forever will be a Miami Hurricane… and it’s great to be a Miami Hurricane!
Go Canes!
Brandon Mitchell, Student Body President