Dear Miami Hurricane Editor,
I am sending this e-mail as a concerned employee at the University of Miami. I feel sorry for the people who work at the Sbarro Italian Eatery which will be closing down in a few weeks. I can’t understand why the UM is allowing Chartwell’s to just let this restaurant be shut down this way. There will be at least 17 employees out of work who have families and really need their jobs in order to make a living.
These employees have served from five to 10 years here at this restaurant and some over 10 years. They have worked diligently here for this company; to be left without a job and no benefits are horrible and not ethical at all. Normally during the fall semester they do New Hire, is it or is it not ethical to hire the employees who have served and made Sbarro’s what it is today instead of hiring new people. We have been told that at the end of July we are able to come and reapply for our positions depending what is open, however they can’t guarantee anything. They have also informed us that if someone comes in from the outside with more experience they will hire not allowing an open position for former employees. Again as stated before not ethical.
What will they do now for food, shelter, clothes and living? Does anyone have any answers as to what will happen to these employees’ families with children? How will they survive? We all know that jobs are hard to get now; can something be done to help them keep their jobs and be able to return to work in the fall of August 2011? Can the employees of Sbarro Italian Eatery be heard?
Concerned Employee